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Rotating Cube with Pan/Zoom on its sides


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Hi Igor,

Yes, I have done this. I'll see if I can find an example for you and post it.

Essentially, the mask rectangle must have the same pan Z properties as the sides of the cube and one must be careful to not zoom smaller than 100% or pan beyond the edges of the frame of the image on the side of the cube but it works very well.

Give me a few minutes and I'll try to find a sample for you... If not I'll make one quickly...

Best regards,


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Do you mean like this:

Animated Cube.ptestyle

Add 6 16:9 images to Slide List and apply the Style.

It is based on your Experimental Cube Style and the original Style contains some errors which I think are producing some "edge effects". I just added the Masks and images.



Edge errors corrected - Please download again :)

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