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I seem to recall seeing somewhere in this forum a method of saving a permanent copy of the avi file.

This might be useful when building up sufficient small slide shows to fill a DVD.

Anyone have a link?




you cant save a permanent avi as a file that is useful -- it will only play the music

but you can convert the temp avi to the mpg format with with tmpgenc

i dont have a dvd burner so i save them as a vcd or svcd file and then build my disk with different files as needed with nero 5.5



Hi Ken

Thanks - I must have misunderstood whatever it was I thought I read.

I don't use TMPGen as I have found no quality or time advantage is using it rather than going straight from avi to Nero 6 Vision Express 2, which gives me a very nice SVCD or DVD.



I seem to recall seeing somewhere in this forum a method of saving a permanent copy of the avi file.

I think I used to be able to click on the video and choose

Create Custom AVI Video file

Then in the Video Codec Pick:

- Full Frame (UnCompressed)

This would create an AVI file that was not a Temp file.

But it has been a while

I thought I made them in the past with the beta versions.


from the help file

How to create DVD-Video disc

Note: Advanced users can use "Create custom AVI video file" option for various purposes. This allows to produce AVI video file with necessary audio and video codecs (MPEG4, MJPEG, etc).

never used it my self so cannot comment

maybe somebody else can expand on the steps to do it

I have 2 machines that will play mpg's




Download and install Indeo video 5.1 codec.

Go to PTE codec, make the settings as Ken process, so:

select "Indeo 5.1", adjust the quality to 75 etc...

The process wil be long but shorter than using "uncompressed" and the quality is very good.

Enjoy !


Hi Jacques

Thanks for the information.

BTW I haven't been very active here lately as my new PC developed a number of faults and was returned for refund. I've since had another built locally so I've been busy setting it up and reinstalling everything. I've had a wasted couple of months due to this, but hopefully this new PC will be OK.




i got the codec at


installed same and did a show using it

the exe was 3.8 mb

and the indeo produced avi was 227 mb

it played fine with windows media player 9 as a standalone file


previously the same exe was done with p2e default codec = 28.8 mb avi

converted with tmpgenc = 145 mb vcd quality.

i then used nero 5.5 to create a vcd from the indeo file

-- the p2e/tmpgenc/nero 5.5 vcd was a better show than the the p2e/indeo/nero vcd

less jaggies on the verticals

but the indeo vcd was better than some software i have tried




Getting a very big file with Indeo Codec is absolutely normal. It provides a truth AVI file (quite the same size as mpeg2 file).

This big size is due to the 25 images/seconds frame rate.

P2e that is a very clever prog and avoid having this long step.

P2e only uses (I think) one basic picture for each frame and add the effect at 25 fps for the exe file. Better than that for the "pseudo AVI" file the basic pictures probably remain at their own location.

Note that in your example, your AVI file is probaly only 28.8 KBits.

About the quality with Indeo/Nero, the fault is probably due to Nero that is not as good as TMPGenc to encode AVI files.

A better way to compare will be probaly: p2e+Indeo/TMPGenc/Nero.

I also did some positive tests with the new Microsoft WMV9 standard (free codec also). May be later, it will be commonly in use in our living rooms!

All this is only "to talk" and for "experiences" because we have still the right way in using PTE as it is.

Have a nice day Ken

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