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I am thinking of using within a Personal Timeline audio visual, a video clip of a family member reminiscing on some of her wedding memories when she got married in the middle of World War 2.

At the moment I am trying to think of how best to put together such a sequence. 

1) Could use just the audio soundtrack of the conversation over a succession of images.

2) Guess I could split up the video clip into smaller segments and show after each sequence a series of related images.

3) However I had thought of using the video clip over numerous backgrounds.

Now I am okay with the first two possibilities. But the third. Thought I had seen mention of such a tutorial or comment on using video over a series of backgrounds but now when looking am unable to find any reference.

Can anyone help or advise please?



Your 3rd option is easy to do, just add the video over the first image & set the Video to be a Master Video Track (Objects & Animation/Properties Tab)

On each subsequent image that you want the video to play over, add the video again in Objects & Animation & this time set it be Link to - video file name.

You will need to make sure that you have enough individual images to last for the length of the video.


Guest Yachtsman1

Hi Exenofex2

I think the attached Youtube show demonstrates the effect you wish to achieve, I thought I had done a tutorial on how to do the video running under or over a still image but can't find it for the moment, if I can I'll come back with its location. In the mean time check out the show.




You don't actually have to set the "link" on the subsequent slides - just copy and paste the video fron the original slide to subsequent slides and move the layers to either place video in background or foreground. The subsequent videos will automatically be set to "link to" the master.

Best regards,



Thankyou all for your help and advice and yes Yachtsman, that is something like what I would like to achieve, although with the family member just sitting in the chair telling the story, in my case more focus will be on the images.

A new challenge for me so thankyou all.



Guest Yachtsman1

Hi George

Still can't find the tutorial I thought I had made. Your idea for a family member telling the story of the back ground images sounds good.


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