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If you access the "Online Users" function in the Forum it is noticeable that "Guests" are reading, in some cases, very old, archived, Topics which contain out of date information. They have probably searched for a subject and the results show old Topics as well as newer ones containing the search string.

One such case happened this morning with regard to "Copying Slides" and I have updated that Topic to the current version and also added a link to the Online Help.

Does anyone disagree with this action?


Why should anyone disagree?

Regarding the old topic including a suggestion of my alter ego: It still would be fine to see the feature of dragging slides from one project window to another one.


Guest Yachtsman1

So long as the original topics can still be found I have no problem. Some of the old archives make interesting reading.



I don't think they throw out old copies of the Bible do they? the old info might be out of date but it shows how we have evolved -- in my working days we had what we  called records retention, where records were disposed of after "X" number years, but if the product/equipment[p2e] was still in place all records were maintained -- including all blueprints etc 

this can be a very slippery slope


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