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Display different between computers


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Several programs have been assembled; pictures with labels above and/or below graphic. A menu has been made with buttons one for each subject (click to start) with titles.

When the autorun opens on another computer, the buttons are not lined up; titles are pushed to the outside; photos that have been given titles have slipped inward, covering faces or on roads.

1024 x 768 is where I have my settings for display.

Is there anything that can or should be done when making a copy to send to a friend, such as viewing the pictures?

I know how to change the settings but don't really want to if there is another answer

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Hi, Joyce,

Welcome to the Forum!

You have discovered one of the main shortcomings of this wonderful program - the lack of scaling for objects in different screen resolutions.

However, there is a way to fool the program into thinking all your objects are one, and so make it adapt to various monitor sizes and pixel dimensions. You need to put a transparent object on the corner of each slide containing objects, then select each object and click on "Group" at the top of the screen. You can use text objects, with a couple of invisible "spaces" in each to hold them and make them visible when you click on them for positioning purposes. To put them exactly on the corners, you can use the "arrow" keys to "nudge" them into position.

The other way to hold the objects is to use "windowed" mode, but not everyone prefers this mode for their slide shows. Hope this helps. :)

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