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I am in desperate need of a way to run my PtE shows on my secondary display...which is a projector.

I am a professional photographer, and use PtE to show my clients their images. Until recently I was using a laptop, which cloned the display to the projector, so in effect I only had one display. (same on both)

I recently put in a desktop machine with two video cards take full advantage of a sales presentation software program for photographers called ImPro. VERY, VERY cool software. One of the things I love about it, is that it integrates seemlessly with PtE.

I can call up the customers PtE show from within the sales presentation, without ever showing the customer an ugly Windows screen. It makes PtE a powerful part of the presentation.

ImPro will run in either a single or dual monitor mode. In single mode, everything works fine.

Dual monitor mode puts a control console with a set of thumbnails on the primary monitor on the sales table, while projecting full sized images images...with side by side comparisons, and sizing demonstrations...on the secondary display...which is the projector. The problem is, that when you call up the PtE show...it runs in the WRONG place!

Is there a way to force PtE to open on the secondary monitor?

I talked to the programmer, and he says that as long as there is a way to tell PtE where to open, such as a command parameter, he could, and would add the support to continue to use it.

Even if I wasn't using ImPro, I would want to be able to browse to the show on my primary monitor and play it on my secondary. With the desktop color set to black, the customer need never see anything that looks too Windowsish. I want it to be all touchy-feely, not tech heavy. (Windowsish...is that a word?)

Please...oh...PLEASE tell me it can be done!



Hi, lenbartz (can I call you Len?)

I have a dual monitor setup, but with two desktop monitors. However if I right-click on the desktop, and select "Properties / Settings / Advanced", I can assign either monitor to the status of primary or secondary. If I change my main monitor to "secondary", PTE shows open up on the other monitor instead. I imagine you could do the same with a monitor and a projector, or a monitor and a TV set. I use an ATI "Radeon" video card which has two monitor output jacks.

As far as I know, there is no way to set command-line-type parameters with PTE to instruct it as to which monitor to open on.


I have a Matrox with two outputs, when I crab the slide setup on the titlebar I can just drag it over to the second monitor but it will run on the primary.


By all means call me Len.

Yes, of course I could do that, but the program I am using in conjunction with PtE requires that it's Control Console be on the Primary monitor and the projector be used as the Secondary.

That I CAN'T change. So if I were to set the projector as the Primary, then the control console would be in the wrong place. So that won't work...though believe me I've tried! ImPro is the core of my entire digital workflow, so I can't do without it.

But...even if I weren't using ImPro, if I swapped the Primary and Secondary, I would also run into the problem that any other programs or dialog boxes that were opened during the course of a sale, such as printer dialogs, or order dialogs from my Studio Management software, would open on the Primary monitor. (the projector)

That would really spoil the presentation...and in this business presentation is everything...which of course is why I use PtE in the first place!


Quickflicks...yes of course, you're right. You can drag the Picture to Exe program window anywhere you want, but when you actually run the show, or click Preview, it will always run on whichever screen you have set as the Primary...that's the problem.



Does ImPro have a web page? I Googled it, but didn't see anything that looked like what you are describing.

Is it possible that they could help you set up their program on the Secondary? Then you could initiate both PTE and ImPro from the secondary and have both outputs appear on the primary (projector).

Another possibility would be to temporarily switch the projector off while you adjust the controls and start up PTE, then switch the projector back on. Isn't there a function key that allows you to easily switch the primary view from the projector to the pc, or is this only available on laptops?


You bet...they are at www.imagefire.com

It's a brand new domain, so I'm not too surprised that it hasn't shown up on searches yet. Most of the people looking for it already know where it is, so they aren't searching for it. The program itself was only recently released, but I've been doing beta testing on it for a year. Awsome software.

Yes, I have spoken at length with the programmer, and he is about as receptive as anyone you'll meet when it comes to adding or changing things to make the software better. On numerous occasions I've made feature requests or reported bugs and had a new version in my hands on the same day! But he has a number of good reason why he can't switch the control panel to the secondary monitor, so that's just not an option.

Switching off the projector wont' work either, because with ImPro in dual display mode the images it displays are always on the secondary. So any way you slice it, turning off the projector won't help. I can still use ImPro in Single monitor mode, and place it on the secondary...that works for me, but we'd like the program to be as flexible as possible, and many people like the dual monitor option. We hate to be in a position where we have to say "Sorry, if you use it in Dual Monitor Mode, you can't use PtE." Especiall when I think ImPro has as much potential as it does. I've used a lot of different presentation software, and this thing blows them all away. A lot of people are using it as a replacement for ProShots. It's so much better, and easier to use.

I don't know who the programmer for PtE is, or how closely he...or she...monitors the board, but I'd really like to get in touch with them.



Thanks for the information on ImPro - it sounds like it has some excellent features. And it sounds like the ability to present PTE-based material on the secondary monitor would be useful. Too bad ImPro can't be designed to be more flexible.

The designer of PTE visits this Forum regularly, and usually replies to requests made here. However, you can contact him directly through the address on his web site at WnSoft.com.


Thank you all for your help. It looks like the point may be mute as far as ImPro is concerned. I just got an email from that software's developer, and it looks like they may have found a way to switch the two screens, so they can use the projector as the primary monitor. They are about as "flexible" as you're going to find, but they have resisted this, because in their opinion, setting up your projector as the primary display, rather than the control monitor, is a bad idea. I have to agree with them.

I hope, that Igor will look into giving us the option of using the secondary monitor....and NOT just because those of us using ImPro want it. Most people who are doing presentations with a monitor and a projector, already have the projector set up as the secondary device...that configuration just makes more sense. It prevents dialogs and windows from opening on your projected screen, rather than on your monitor.

It's a pain to have to set the projector as the primary, just for this one program, when it causes so many other problems.

You're going to see more and more photographers using ImPro. It offers so many features for the price now, with more on the way. You should see the stuff that will be in the version that's going to be released within the next couple of weeks. He's added closer PtE integration. You can take a set of full resolution files, and ImPro will automatically make sized down slide show copies for you.

You know how...if you need to scale down a set of images, that you have to run a batch action on the verticals to re-size them to one height, then run a different batch action on the horizontals to resize them to the correct height? You don't have to do that with ImPro. You just set the dimention (in pixels) that you want the longest side to be...and it does the rest.

Then...and this is the best part...you can use it's built-in file browser to select the images that you want to put in the show...rather than having to look at a list of file names, and drop them right into an existing PtE project! Sweet!!!

I can go straight from the camera, to a finished PtE show in a fraction of the time it used to take.

Guest Techman1


This program really sounds like a great fit for any photographers that are showing clients their work. I just downloaded the trial and will give it a spin. I've used ProShots for the past year, but am certainly open to other programs. Especially with the new enhancements you mention.

Igor, please consider adding some option that would allow the PTE Slideshow to run on a secondary monitor/projector. Based on the enhancements that ImageFire has in the works to their ImPro software, it sounds like their software could further promote the use "and sales" of PTE. Boxig has requested some parameters that can be added to PTE for other uses. Maybe this could be added there for a runtime parm that envokes PTE executable to run on a secondary screen.

Len, please let us know if you find anything else out. Hopefully, Igor will let us know what the possibility is of adding this feature to PTE in the next release.

Regards to all,


  lenbartz said:
You know how...if you need to scale down a set of images, that you have to run a batch action on the verticals to re-size them to one height, then run a different batch action on the horizontals to resize them to the correct height?


Not meaning to take anything away from your program, I just wanted to point out that, unless you want a different height for your horizontals than for your verticals (not sure why this situation would apply), IrfanView also has this capability. And for anyone who doesn't know, it's a free download. One of the best bargains, next to PTE, available! :)

unless you want a different height for your horizontals than for your verticals

Ah...but I DO. Let's just say that I have a set of images whose aspect ratio is 3:4...the same as my monitor, which is 1024 x 768.

If I take those images...some vertical, and some horizontal and resize them all to a height of 768, the vertical images will be considerably smaller than the horizontal images. The the horizontals would be 1024 x 768, and fill the entire screen, but the verticals would only be 768 x 576. That just looks wrong.

I want all the images to be the same size, whether vertical OR horizontal. ImPro does that in one pass, then export them straight into a existing PtE project in four mouse clicks. No other program at any price will do that.

That said...you are absolutely right. IrfanView is an awsome little program and a GREAT buy.

ImPro is designed for working professionals, so it's expensive when compared to a lot of things, but to a Pro like me who's looking to save a lot of time, it's a bargain.

  lenbartz said:
I want all the images to be the same size, whether vertical OR horizontal. ImPro does that in one pass, then export them straight into a existing PtE project in four mouse clicks. No other program at any price will do that.

How does it decide what to crop on the vertical images?


I'm lost on this one. How can a vertical image be 768x576? It has to be 576x768 !!!!

Ron [uK]


A Portrait is say: 768x1024 the smaller number being the Width.

A Landscape is then from the same camera: 1024x768.

Now when resizing if I type 768 for Width on the Landscape I get: 768x 576.

If the Landscape I type: 768 for Height I get 576 for Width.

It all depends what you choose as a fixed value the other will be adjusted automatically if

Constrain Proportions is selected.

I want all the images to be the same size, whether vertical OR horizontal. ImPro does that in one pass, then export them straight into a existing PtE project in four mouse clicks. No other program at any price will do that.

This can not be.and I repeat That can not be because if on a vertical you type 1024 for Width you will get 1365 for the Height and therefore you see the full width on the screen but not the full length.

You are speaking Non Sense

Aspect ratio of screen is 4:3 and you can not fit a 3:4 to fill the screen at least not showing the full picture.

According to this you can view on a second Monitor having the controls on the primary.

My Webpage

Steping down from my soap box

NorbertMy Webpage


I am not sure I am following all this stuff re sizing images in this thread

But If you are trying to size images to a fixed width for horizontal and fixed width for verticals and still keep the proportions, it can be done in PhotoShop actions.

example: take all horizontals and make them 800 by whatever and all verticals whatever by 600

load a sample image in PS, create an action (the usual way) with the only step being "FIT IMAGE" (FILE>AUTOMATE>FIT IMAGE) and set it to CONSTRAIN WITH Width:800, Vertical:600.

Then run the action.

Is this what you are trying to do ?


No! it is not how to do it. It is a cuestion of fitting a Vertical Picture on a monitor which is Horizontal.

Fit does the following:

Fit Image fits the current image to the width and height you specify, without changing its aspect ratio. Meaning I acomodate the image to a given size. But I can not make a 5x7 picture out of a file of 2000x3000pixels not even with fit I have to crop.

My one is set to: 1024x768. where 1024 is 4 and 768 is 3 hence the 4:3 aspect ratio.

Len Bartz says:

If I take those images...some vertical, and some horizontal and resize them all to a height of 768, the vertical images will be considerably smaller than the horizontal images. The the horizontals would be 1024 x 768, and fill the entire screen, but the verticals would only be 768 x 576. That just looks wrong.

I want all the images to be the same size, whether vertical OR horizontal. ImPro does that in one pass, then export them straight into a existing PtE project in four mouse clicks. No other program at any price will do that.

This can not be. One can not fit a vertical full size 3:4 into space of 4:3. No program can do that and no program can be written to do that because it CAN NOT BE DONE

  quickflicks said:
According to this you can view on a second Monitor having the controls on the primary.

My Webpage


Len does have a good point, even though he is a little vague on the image-sizing aspect. It is not possible to have a PTE show open on the "secondary" monitor without dragging a "windowed mode" show over from the primary. The reference you quoted mentions the capability to have the controls on the "primary", so PTE would have to open on the secondary for this to be a satisfactory mode of operation.


Yes, and the program is not ready for prime time. When setting the preferences for Dual Monitor the splash Screen shows up on both monitors but on the second without the Exit, Slide and Thumbnails button and when clicking on a picture or right clicking on two pictures they show up but from there no way to go back, One can not exit the program. Ctrl+ALT+Delete is in order.

The slide show build in nonetheless runs on the second monitor when activated from the main.

When the preferences are set to only one monitor it's OK but still has a lot of quirks.

They must bring their own house together.


My mistake guys...sorry... I started a firestorm by making a stupid mistake.

I transposed the dimensions. Of course you're right...a 768 x 576 image IS a horizontal...and screen aspect ration is 4:3, not 3:4. I'm not trying to claim that it will fit a vertical into a horizontal space.

Well you CAN...you just grab the projector and turn it up on it's side! :)


Yes...you can use fit image to accomplish what I was referring to...which is getting the LONG side of the images to all be the same, whether they be verticals or horizontals. BTW, I was responding to a comment about IrfanView at the time...and I don't think it has a fit command...as least the last version I saw didn't. If it's been added and I missed it I apologize.

As to the rest...

Yes, and the program is not ready for prime time. When setting the preferences for Dual Monitor the splash Screen shows up on both monitors but on the second without the Exit, Slide and Thumbnails button
...ha ha....sure it is...you just don't know how to use it. That's not surprising. The sales area you were in is specifially designed to NOT look or feel like a typical "Window's" environment. You almost had it...and you aren't the first to get trapped in the sales area and not be able to figure out how to get back. In fact I did the exact same thing myself, the first time I saw it! ( I had forgotten that!) Everything you saw was appearing exactly as it should.

The Splash screen appears on BOTH monitors till you choose "Exit, Slideshow, or Thumbnails" from the Splash Screen on the control screen, on the primary monitor. Those buttons don't appear on the other screen because they don't need to...that's the customer screen...they aren't going to need any buttons...they're not in control...you are.

When viewing an image, or doing a side by side comparison, right click always takes you back to the thumbnails. From there, there is a button in the lower left marked "Exit"...though it may say "Menu" in the current release version, I'm not sure about that. (He changed it from Menu to Exit, to avoid exactly this kind of confusion.) THAT will take you back to the Splash screen, and from there...you can click exit to get out of the Sales Show.

The slide show build in nonetheless runs on the second monitor when activated from the main.

Yes...it does. That's the problem, and what started all this in the first place ImPro's BUILT-IN slide show runs on the SECONDARY monitor. But if you RIGHT click, where it says "Slideshow" instead of left clicking...it will go out and look for a PtE show in the same directory as the images you're looking at...if it finds one, it plays it. ( you have to have a preference set for this first...type "exe" in the "prescan for extension" box in preferences)

The problem is, that the PtE show runs on the PRIMARY monitor...which is the wrong place for it.

Their house is incredibly "together". I'm very curious about what the "quirks" are that you saw. What's the old computer programmers saying...? "That's not a bug...that's a feature!"

I've used the program for so long, and know my way around it so intimately that I don't see things the same way a new user does. Email me...tell me what things you found "quirky" or difficult to understand. I really want to know. A fresh perspective is incredibly important.

  lenbartz said:
My mistake guys...sorry... I started a firestorm by making a stupid mistake.  


BTW, I was responding to a comment about IrfanView at the time...and I don't think it has a fit command...as least the last version I saw didn't.  If it's been added and I missed it I apologize.


Sorry, but you are wrong again!

IrfanView has had this feature as long as I have been using it (for a few years, anyway).

In IrfanView you set the vertical and horizontal dimensions you want to resize to, check retain aspect ratio, and bingo, it does the rest! So that makes at least two "other" programs that will do the same thing you claim only ImPro does. ;)

The problem is, that the PtE show runs on the PRIMARY monitor...which is the wrong place for it.

In my case, I want PTE to run on my primary monitor, as it has a 21-inch screen with higher res capability, and I like to see my shows under the best conditions possible. :)


All, in his situation or as a matter of fact for any one using ImPro as a sales tool one wishes to have the presentation on the second monitor. This could be a Monitor, Tv Set or a projector.

ImPro is still in the developing state. Allmost all the help files do not corespond to the version I downloaded.

Dual monitor is the problem.


Glad to hear that you can do a fit command with IrfanView. It is a great little program for the price.

I use Photoshop almost exclusively, so I'm not really familiar with IrfanView. Why drive a Cavalier when you have a Corvette in the Garage?

As to being wrong...no I'm not...what I said was...

I want all the images to be the same size, whether vertical OR horizontal. ImPro does that in one pass, then exports them straight into a existing PtE project in four mouse clicks. No other program at any price will do that.

I stand foursquare behind that statement. It's not my intention to get a war of symantics here.

My point was that ImPro saves me tons of time doing the prep work for my slide shows for PtE, because it will create a set of resized proxies from my full res camera files...allow me to select the images I want to put in the show...in the order I want to use them...using a light table viewer so I can pick my images by SEEING them...(exactly the kind of light table people on this forum have been clamoring for) and then drop them all straight into a PtE project! It does ALL of those things...no other program does!

...and all that is just ONE teeny tiny feature set, that's there to support PtE! It's not even the meat of the program. Look...I think ImPro is a great program...try it. If you have trouble with it...ask me. I'll help. If you don't like it...don't use it, it's your loss.

The bottom line is...for whatever reason...I would like PtE to give me the option of running on a secondary monitor.

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