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Comments on TV are cut off


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Is there a way to position the comments on the bottom, but tell PTE to move them up a little? The problem I am having is that when I create an avi and then burn to a dvd-video - most of my comments on the bottom are slightly (about half) cut off.

Is there anything I can do to fix this problem?



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Brian, welcome to the forum

some of my notes might get you what you want:)

with the advent of the AVI feature I am finding that one has to look towards the future more and more when composing a show -- one must scan the pictures for the "big screen" and placement of text can very easily get lost in the "sizing"



pg 2

you will have to go to the second page of the thread but the answer is there

hope it is what you are looking for


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Thanks Ken - I was able to solve my problem by referencing the post you mentioned. It's definately a work-around, but for now that's all I need - hopefully comment placement will be improved in future versions. I am a long time registered user of PTE, and I just love it - I recommend it to all my friends and colleques.


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