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I was just told about Pictures To Exe. I bought it and downloaded it. Normally, I don't have trouble figuring out how to use a program... but I'm having trouble with this one. I can make the presentation.. I just can't figure out how to burn it to a cd so that it plays automatically. I did make the autorun.inf file as told... but my whole group of pics is not saving... just the info about the project... HELP!! Is there a Pictures To Exe for Dummies available?!?!?

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Welcome KHaynes

PTE is very easy program but sometimes we need a little help. This forum will help you in anything you need. As you described your problem I guess you didn't compiled your presentation. If you make the exe and it works in a folder, then it will work on a CD too. You wrote "I can make the presentation" - is that means you made exe ? Did you run it before burning ? If it worked, so the problem is in the "autorun.inf" or your autorun is disabled.

What you mean by "but my whole group of pics is not saving... just the info about the project..." ??? Can you give more details ?

Try the button "Create slide show and run" (under "File" tab) and see if presentation runs ok.

The autorun should be:



When Show.exe is the name of your presentation file.

If your show works in a folder, your autorun.inf is correct, your autorun function on your computer is enable, and still you have problem, so maybe something wrong with the CD itself.

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I finally got it to work !! I guess I never hit the create button or made the actual exe file.... I just hope I can remember how I did it! :) LOL Thanks so much for your reply... and I'm sure I'll be asking lots more questions. Is there any type of tutorial book I can buy somewhere?

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Excellent tutorial programme is PTE 101 Tutorial created by Al Robinson. :D

It is available from Cottage Site

PTE 101 - click on link

Have a look at Pictures to Exe Presentations where Ken Cox has pinned links to P2E members sites - lots of people have produced excellent utilities and tutorials.

Hope this helps. :)


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