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show hiccups!


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I am having problems with playback of burned shows on other systems. When created and played back the show runs smoothly with transitions and music. Once burned, the playback is fine on the original system. When played on other computers, the sho "hiccups", the slide wil skip to previous slide, or skip a slide altogether. Also, the music does not end where it should. Help! :blink:

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Welcome to the forum ;)

This is a problem which often comes up but needs repeating. What's happening is that the show when on a cd takes longer to load through the player to the HD and then to display. The best solution is to ask the user to copy to the HD and play from there. Always remind them to virus scan first, this shows you care :D .

The sound problem is slightly different but the same rules apply. However if you dont use the "customise syncronisation" option for your show then if the processor is different the images will arrive late by fractions of a second each wich will snowball over the lenght of the show.


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With my latest show uploaded to Beechbrook, I see sometimes hiccups when playing back on my laptop. I found out that it occurs at the point where the size of the image at the hiccup point is quite big (1000kB). When I close all other programs in my laptop and run the show again it runs fine. So... maybe this is a memory problem here??

Michel Verhoef

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So... maybe this is a memory problem here??

Not exactly, Michel. Let's say it's rather a problem of system resources. This issue can depend also by HDD reading speed, and by its fragmentation.

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