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need special opening page

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I tried searching but no luck. Has this not been done before?

I need an opening page with 14 buttons, each one representing a different slideshow. The person can pick any one of them, it plays and when done, returns to the opening page where they can choose another show.

Is this possible. I tried creating webpages with frontpage but when clicking on the links to each show, I just got a "cant find page" message from explorer.

Can someone point me in the right direction?


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Guest Techman1


You can create a single slide show that has buttons which open other slide shows (basically a MENU). The way I have done this, is create a cool looking background and then use PTE to create the Buttons and Text using the Object Editor. You will modify each button and under the Action select the "Run application or open file" option. Then enter your SlideShow.exe. Use the "Run application or open file" and not the "Run application and exit" option. This keeps your MENU slideshow open in the background while your other REAL slide shows run. Make sure all of your other slide shows close after the last slide so that the MENU will be there.

I also put my web site, contact info and an exit button on this menu. Hope this helps to get you started.

Good luck!


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Thank you Fred,

That's exactly what I needed to get started. I'm trying to set up some wedding proofs (I'm a photographer) allowing my clients to go directly to a set of images pertaining to a certain activity that day. This way, they don't have to wade through one show of 750 images to find 2 or 3 images in the middle somewhere.

Now I can break them down into many different categories.

Thanks again. :)


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Guest Techman1


One more thing I forgot to mention, since your main slide shows probably all have music, you want to make sure you don't include music on your menu. If you do, it will play in the background and when your real slide shows start the music from both will be playing.

I don't believe there is any way around this, but if there is I'm sure someone here will speak up quickly. ;)

Let us know how it goes.


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I've posted some sample screen captures of one of my multiple PTE slideshow CD's here:

PTE Example Menus

I also use this same type menu for DVDs I make with PTE video. In these samples clicking on a thumbnail picture will cause that slideshow to be played. Clicking the "More" button goes to the next menus of slideshows as shown in the More screen capture. The "About" button is a plug for Igor and PTE. When I make slideshows I normally enable "permit control of show" in PTE's main project options. This permits the viewer to navigate and pause the slideshow and music at any time. By depressing the "Help" button on the main menu the viewer gets an explaination of how the function works. The Help screen capture depicts this screen. Hope this helps. :D

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Well illustrated Ken. I don't know about the double post, there is a quadruple one on icons around you. Must be a record. :lol:

Ron [uK]

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Really nice ideas there Ken. If I don't get interrupted here at the office, I'm gonna work on this. I like the idea of using thumbs for links.

Larry T

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Ken & Fred,

I just wanted to update you on my project to say that I have just finished a beautiful wedding presentation show with buttons linking each set of proofs as I had hoped to do.

My customers think it is totally great and I see that a template is in order. I'm going to work and refine it. I just wanted you guys to know that I appreciate your help. :D

Larry T

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Guest Techman1


Glad I could help a little. I would love to see a sample of what you've created. Maybe you can create a mini-show with the menu and only a couple of photos from each of the slideshow selections (if you have time and your clients okay it).

More than anything, I'm glad your customers love what you've created for them! That's the main thing.

I wish you well in the future!


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I'm glad it worked out too.

I'm also curious like Fred. It would be nice to see a short sample...if possible.

Good luck,


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Okay guys, I'll try to put a mini show together but it's going to be a few days as I'm a little backed up here at the studio. I have about 20 hours of photo image work to do and 48 hours to meet a deadline so I'll do it soon.

The proofing show I just finished is pretty basic but has over 700 images in it. I don't think you want this one.

Larry T

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