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error message

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Hi Everyone :)

Can you please help me with an error message I am getting when I try to create a .exe file with pte.

I have 3 songs playing in the background of a slide show.

I was trying to use the 'customize synchronization' to assign slides to the music etc etc

but when I go to preview or create, I get the following message.

'you should disable personalised music of slides to activate synchronization by music'

There is probably something simple that I am doing wrong but I'm pretty confused ??

Any help would be greatly appreciated,


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If you want to activate synchronization by music you can not have, at the same time, music added to individual slides.

You must check each slide and deactivate added sound if so.


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I can now play 3 songs in the background whilst 'sliding' through 250 pics but I can't (don't know how) to assign 'x' number of pics per song.

I think it is very hard and hazardous to assign a given number of slides to a piece of music when not in synchronized mode.

In my case, I always "paste" all my music pieces in only one file with a software as Audacity.

If I don't want them placed end to end, I just insert a silence between them.

Then I synchronize my slides to this unique music file, which is much more precise and sure then isolated music pieces.

Hope this helped you

(Sorry for my poor english)


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Hi, Barry,

Welcome to the Forum!

Patrick is right - the ideal way to control the showing of your slides against a background selection of music is to "join" them together end-to-end in a sound editor such as "Audacity" or Cool Edit (now "Audition"), etc.

You can then "spread" all the slides evenly over the entire music selection by clicking in the timeline menu. However, if you want each new music piece to start on a particular slide, things become a little more difficult. You can manually adjust them to achieve this, or you can use my "Adjustor" model to "pin" the times at which each piece starts, and then distribute the intervening slides evenly by pushing a button. Or, you can use the model as an ordinary spreadsheet and calculate the required intervals. Or, you can import the PTE file into a regular spreadsheet and manipulate the file there.

Or, you can do as you are now, and use separate music files in Project Options, then activate the synchronization capability, and look on the timeline for the vertical blue bars which delineate each music piece. (note that these bars will not be available if you join the music selections together). This will tell you the starting times for each piece, and with a little calculation, you can then "drop" the slides one by one onto the timeline using the "Play" and "New transition" buttons, counting as you go, until you reach each vertical blue bar. Then you can go back and fine-tune the timing of each transition by dragging it left or right on the timeline. If you get it wrong, it's not too difficult to save your file, wipe out all settings and start again.

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Hi Guys,

Thanks for your great replies.

It has worked !.............somewhere along the line, I had attached one of the music mp3's to one slide and I could not understand where the error was coming from, but now, I am a little bit 'wiser' because of your help.

I really appreciate it...May our creator Bless you indeed !



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