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But Beachbrook is shutting down for holidays

will reopen in June

From: "PTE Presentation Notification" <cottage@beechbrook.com>

Date: 2004/05/11 Tue PM 09:08:03 EST

To: pbyk@sympatico.ca

Subject: PTE Upload Utility Closing

The PTE Upload Utility will be closed the evening of May 12th and will remain closed while Karen and I are on holiday in England. I will reopen it in early June.

Kindest regards,

Bill (cottage@beechbrook.com)




I am not sure what your arrangement is with Yahoo, but can you store a zip file on your site such that we could download your shows from there? If so, you can surely just post a link in this forum that will lead us to your show for downloading and viewing.


Or, if zipped files containing "exe's" are not acceptable, maybe you could do like we used to do on Beechbrook and change the name to "xxxxxxx.p2e".

I am not sure what your arrangement is with Yahoo, but can you store a zip file on your site such that we could download your shows from there? If so, you can surely just post a link in this forum that will lead us to your show for downloading and viewing.

Yahoo just says that for "security reasons", whatever that is, they do not support .exe files. I want to keep my site at Yahoo, too much work to do it over...I use Yahoo's online editor, but want somewhere to host my slideshows so I can link from Yahoo to where ever I have the shows uploaded. I hope this makes sense.



Yes, I think it makes sense, but not yet the complete picture. Years ago, some of us on this site used Yahoo's Y-drive system to store PTE shows up to 5 mb size for others to download. I would think Yahoo will allow you to have other users download somefiles from your site. Can you set up a part of your website so visitors could download say just your favorite photos? If Yahoo, says yes, then pursue it further with them to see if you repackage your .exe file as a zip, or rename it as Al suggests,etc, if that would work for downloading.

Is Yahoo your ISP as well as your website server? Some ISP's such as Comcast, allow some storage space as part of your subscription. I think such space could be set up to store and download from.

Worst case is you just have to wait until Beechbrook is again available in June. And that is not a very bad "worse" case. :)


I'm getting my Comcast highspeed internet tomorrow, I'll have to check on that. Using the other site you mentioned, do they provide a link that I can put on my site for downloading?



I have Comcast as my ISP, but I don't utilize the storage space presently. I don't know anything about "how", but I certainly think they should be willing to tell you if you "can." Whether it is user-friendly easy or whether you will need outside knowledge, I don't know. I do remember some kind of Comcast FAQ or forum with some discussion about it.



If you upload a file to your web site, and make a reference to it on one of your web-site's pages, then anyone can download it by right-clicking on the URL, and indicating where they want to save the file. You can see an example of this on Beechbrook's site, or on my own site, HERE.

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