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Hi Guys,

Nice to have some support here at the forum.

I managed to create and run successfully my slide show on my own PC but I gave it to a friend, he could not run the .exe file on his laptop.

I asked him what o/s he is using and he said windows xp.

What are the reasons for this happening.............my guess is that it could be something to do with the Operating System ?

What are my options ?

Thankyou again,


Guest Techman1


I create PTE shows on Windows 98 and on Windows XP and share them between the two with no problems. I know many people are running Windows XP and do not have any problems with the PTE shows. On the CD (assuming that's how you gave your show to your friend), did you only include the executable (e.g., Slideshow.exe) or did you also try to create an Autorun.inf file?

When your friend runs it on his/her PC what are they seeing (any errors)? Assuming your slideshow was on a CD if they copy it to their harddrive does it work there? Did you run it from the CD on your PC prior to giving it to your friend?

Please give us a little more information and I'm sure someone can help answer your question.





is he trying to run it from the cd

does he have virus checking installed

what exactly does the laptop do when he try's to run the exe

answer some of these questions and we may be able to help



Hi Guys,

I appreciate your response.

So far I know it is a Laptop (hewlett packard) bought this Christmas and she is using XP

I have asked her for some more details about how she is attempting to play the file.

Thanks Again,



Hi Barry -

I would try the same show on additional pc's. If it turns out that the show plays only on the machine that created it - here is a possible cause -

I once had a show that was designed to open and run another program as you can do in PTE. The show ran fine on my pc so I burned it to cd. The show also ran perfect from the CD - or so I thought. As it turned out, I had not correctly included all the necessary files onto the cd. As I thought it was running from the cd, PTE was actually finding some of the missing files by looking on my pc. So as soon as I tried the cd on a different pc, it would not work.

If your show is simply a single .exe, with no need for other .exe files, etc. Then I suppose that would not be your problem.

I can also tell you that nobeefstu is the forum member who can probably nail this one for you. I seem to have missed him in the forum lately, so maybe he can appear and solve this for you. :)


I'm searching a solution for exactly the same problem. When I define an .exe file to start with a slide I cannot find a way to give this .exe a relativ path.

So the slideshow burned on any CD will never find this .exe file.

I tried to use der PanoRunner. It works fine on the PC I've defined the show but an export to CD is a little desaster :angry: .

Please give me I hint.


Hi, Hans,

Welcome to the Forum!

If you put the second file in the same folder as the exe file, it will find it. Also, if you enter just the name of the second file without any pathname, provided that it is in the same folder as the exe file, everything will work OK. The same applies to image and music files (except for music files entered on the "sound" line in the main window, for some strange reason).


Hello AI,

thank you for your response. Now I've also recognised my mistake (a stupid one).

It really works with relative paths. So you do not have to put all files together in one folder. This is a nightmare if you hand over a CD to a friend - or even more serious - to a girl-friend ;)

Define where you will store the presentation exe-file. Create an subfolder (or some) there and in the field "Run external application" put in the relativ path .\[subfolder]\[blablabla].exe.

After that you can copy to CD: the presentation.exe and the subfolder.

If you want to store also the sounds and pictures then you can create a "template". Put the generated folder [project].pt to the CD additionally.

Something else? If you like create an autorun.inf file for the root of your CD.

Good luck



Looks like you have it sorted out OK.

However, if you put the template folder on the CD you will be giving away your original images as well as the project file, "*.pte". You may want to only provide the "*.exe" file, which is stand-alone, (except for any secondary "application" exe's).



IT seems that you are on the right track !

Define where you will store the presentation exe-file. Create an subfolder (or some) there and in the field "Run external application" put in the relativ path .\[subfolder]\[blablabla].exe.

Where exactly is this choice given in the 'pictures to exe' or are you talking about windows XP ?

The .exe file I created runs fine on one of my friend's PC but does not run at all on her Laptop........instead what shows up is a DOS window with a plain black screen.

Do I have to put the *.exe file + the .pte file + the images and music together in the same directory for this to work.

It defeats the purpose of the standalone file !

I know I am close to getting this sorted

Any more info and guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards,




Just type in the name without any path spec. Or, use the browser to find the file, and then delete the path spec.

For a standalone show, you don't have to put any images, .pte file, or music files on the CD. The ".exe" file is truly standalone.

What Hans wants to do is link to an external application. This you do have to put on the CD, and in the right directory (the best choice is the same directory as the .exe file so you don't have to include the pathname.)


Thanks to Ken and Alrobin for your replies,

I have the file on her desktop, I just copied and pasted it from the cd to the desktop.

I then double clicked on the file (*.exe) and the black dos screen popped up.

This is what I am going to do next:

1. Open up her browser (Explorer)

2. Open file from browser

Do you think this will work Lads ?




Hi Guys,

I have tried the method above and still no joy !

I have discovered a few things though.

1.It runs fine on XP and Win 98 operating ststems on workstations

2. ON the two laptops we have tried, it does not work at allv !!

I thing the problem could be something to do witht he laptops ??

Confused but hopeful



What are the specs for the laptop? Is it also running Win XP? Are you also running an external .exe file from the main slide show? Be sure to close out all other running programs to free-up resources for the PTE shows.

Note that the ".pte" file won't run on the laptop unless you also have all the image and music files there, and in the right directories. The free-standing ".exe" ("created" show) should run, though. Try several other exe files too to make sure it's not just a faulty file (for example, some of the ones downloaded from Beechbrook). Good luck! :)


Thanks Alrobin !

You were spot on !

It was a faulty file that got corrupted when my friend burned other information on to her CD -RW

Just posting so that others can learn from my mistakes.

Make a clean copy on to a clean CD- RW and it works perfectly as a standalone file.

It does not need the images or the .pte file either ( confirming what you were saying earlier)

I know have a happy friend, a little less anxious about her 'big day'.......Praise God !

Thankyou guys


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