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Lockup 118


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I just created my first show with PTE and when I run it, it locks up on slide 118. I cannot get it to go past it. I can delete slides and add new ones but still stops at 118 no matter if there's 119 or 125 slides in the show.

File size is 69.8mb and is playing with music, which keeps playing even though the slides have stopped.

Any ideas anyone?


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That was it!

I had a transiton set at 118 in the custom synch and after adding more slides I didn't add a new transition point. I quess that's what it was.

I have 3 songs to play in the show. If I set 3 trans points will it then adjust timing of the slides accordingly to each trans point seperately rather than the whole show?



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One of the sync people will have to answer that -- i just set sync and forget it :)

years ago one of my Mentors that did slideshows with Kodak Carousels said "Ken, leave a slide on any longer than 4 secs is too much" so i add music till it works out

did you ever notice the default for slide duration the Igor builds into the program???

works for me and the grandkids


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I had a transiton set at 118 in the custom synch and after adding more slides I didn't add a new transition point. I quess that's what it was.

Hi Dave

If you are (as I am assuming) using sync mode you need to add transition points to the appropriate places in the time line when you add new slides to the list. They are not added automatically. So if you add ten slides to the end of the show after slide 118 you need to go to slide 118 in the time line and add ten more transition points where you want the slides to appear.

Igor is (I believe) working on improving this area now (or soon).

Hope this helps

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I had a transiton set at 118 in the custom synch and after adding more slides I didn't add a new transition point. I quess that's what it was.

Hi Dave

If you are (as I am assuming) using sync mode you need to add transition points to the appropriate places in the time line when you add new slides to the list. They are not added automatically. So if you add ten slides to the end of the show after slide 118 you need to go to slide 118 in the time line and add ten more transition points where you want the slides to appear.

Igor is (I believe) working on improving this area now (or soon).

Hope this helps

Hi Mike,

Thanks, but I guess I don't understand how the transition points work. You say I need to add one for each added slide? What is the difference between just adding one new one changing it from the 118 slide to 128 to include them all vs a new transition at 119,120 ect.?


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Hi Dave

I have to guess that when you had built your show in the first instance you had 118 slides then you went to the Main tab in the project options and selected the 'Customize Synchronization' button. This will have automatically added all the slides to the timeline. Some time later you added some more slides to the slide list and these are the slides that are not playing.

IF this is something like what happened then simply adding the extra transitions to the timeline will fix this.

Go back into Project Option select the Main tab and click on the 'Customize Synchronization' button. This will reveal the timeline. Scroll allong the timeline with the scroll bar at the bottom until you find the 'to118' marker which should be near the end. If you click on the timeline after this point (a small blue triangle will appear) then click on the 'New Transition' button it should add another transition point for the next slide already on the slide list.

It may be that there is no more room on the timeline to add any more transitions. In which case there is not enough music and you need to add another track to the music list or replace the exsisting tracks with a longer track.

Repeat the above until all the new slides are added to the timeline.

They should all now play

I hope this is a little clearer and will help you to find your way around. It will all become clear with a little practice.

If it is no clearer then I do apologise for the confusion and I have probably made a host of wrong assumptions. I am sure that one of us will get hold of the right end of the stick.

Good luck

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Based on Mike's assumptions and what he has just said about no more room on the time line, if you uncheck "Synchronise slideshow to music duration" (Main>Show settings) then recheck it, all the timings will re-adjust to accommodate the additional slides, if that is what you want.

Ron [uK]

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Hi Guy's,

I got it now, add more slides, you have to change the music trans point. I forgot I checked the sync box. Simple!

But the only thing I don't get yet is Mike said add a new trans point for each new slide. But that would seem wrong if you want to carry through the music till the end of the show.

Have'nt tried it yet but I would think that would drag the show out for each new slide added. Correct?

So if I understand the program correctly now, just change the trans point to include all the new slides and we're golden?


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Hi, Dave,

You're getting the picture! :) If your show is synched to the music, the latter will be the governing factor for the length of the show. Since the "customize slide" settings for slide duration are disabled in synch mode, the last slide on the timeline will just stay on-screen until the music has finished.

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I just created my first show with PTE and when I run it, it locks up on slide 118. I cannot get it to go past it. I can delete slides and add new ones but still stops at 118 no matter if there's 119 or 125 slides in the show.

File size is 69.8mb and is playing with music, which keeps playing even though the slides have stopped.

Any ideas anyone?


Hi Dave,

I had similar problems when I first started to use PTE. I found that PTE is rather sensitive

to Background Music files that Start/Stop within 250mS of the start point of a Transition. The problem is common to Wav and Mp3 files and in particular with Mp3's "stitched together" on the same Time Line. In so much that the "stitching" must be seamless - without gaps - its very easy to overlook this when you are sound editing.

In most cases the Pte Program "hangs" and goes no-where, and in the process it also

hangs Explorer and nothing but a 'reset' will restore normality.

In defence of this 'quirk' I must say that I have never lost a file after reset.

Hope this is of help.

Brian Kelly.Conflow.

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I'm not sure I know what you mean by "stitching". Could you please elaborate a little about this process and what software you use to perform it?

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Hi Brian,

Thanks for the reply, and I second the request for more info.

I'm a photo guy and have never done anything with music ( mp3 or others).

Now in trying to do a good slide show it's a must to have with the images.

You mentioned stitching and I think I need to do that. My second song of three delays about a sec or two too long before starting. Just the way I got it but it needs to chopped to start faster.

Can I do this in P2E by overlaying it more in the music option, or do I need to use another program to edit the music first and put it all on one track?

Since I'm just getting into playing around with the music side of things, what program works good to do editing and stitching with music files?

Many thanks in advance for your (or others) in replying!

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If you search this forum you'll find references to "Audacity" - a free program for editing sound files. It's just what you need for combining a number of tracks together for your pte shows.

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