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Creating Presentation of wedding Images


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I would like some advice on using Pictures to exe for showing wedding images onto a CD for clients. and I was wondering if anyone has used the programme for this, could give some advice on converting the images i.e screen resolution for presention, and image size, and any other tips.

I have not been able to find any info relevant for presenting wedding images.

Also how can you display the image reference number so that the client can choose the image for ordering - what safe-guards do you set to stop printing & screen grabs ?

Also if you use b/ground music is there any reasonable copyright free.

Many thanks


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Welcome ianws to the forum.

You are asking many good questions. I am only answering to let you know that there are several (many?) professional photographers who use PTE for presenting their work to clients. I think they have come up with several different arrangements to do so. Hopefully, some of these forum members will come on soon to share some useful info with you.

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Hi Ian,

I just used the programme to make a slide show for a wedding of my two friends.

It is going to be used for after dinner and it shows them from a young age to the present.

There are 3 songs in the background and are synchronised ( I got alot of help from the guys on the forum)

I don't do any wedding 'stuff' but it seems to me to be an excellent option.

I gathered all my images into one folder and used a 'droplet' in photoshop to optimise the folder for the web.

IF you have photoshop there are droplets made already that do this within the adobe folder.

You just drag you folder with images on to the droplet and every image in the folder is automatically 'processed' according to the functions set in the droplet.

If the images are optimised for the web, they are useless for printing anyway as they are very low in resolution

I also had the images in order by number (1.jpg, 2.jpg).

You can use the 'comment' field in the pte program to label or reference you pics

If your able you could record some of your own music on to your PC and use some free package to convert to mp3 or .wav

Overall, it looks quite possible...........it just takes some hard work !

I hope it goes well for you



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