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I already put this problem in "Suggestions" and I should like to know if Igor saw it.

"I can see that in v9, in O&A view, Full Duration of slide is not indicated in the low-left bar, as it was in v8. I must say that I miss it a lot. Is it possible to show this again in next v9.0.5?"

In fact, this is beeing a big problem: when we are editing in O&A it is essential to know how long is the slide duration where we are working. At actual PTE 9.0.4, I must go back to timeline view and return to O&A, which is most inconvenient.

In previous PTE 8.0.21 that information existed on O&A view, why not now?

Please, this is urgent!



  On 3/15/2017 at 12:32 AM, orizaba said:

I already put this problem in "Suggestions" and I should like to know if Igor saw it.

"I can see that in v9, in O&A view, Full Duration of slide is not indicated in the low-left bar, as it was in v8. I must say that I miss it a lot. Is it possible to show this again in next v9.0.5?"

In fact, this is beeing a big problem: when we are editing in O&A it is essential to know how long is the slide duration where we are working. At actual PTE 9.0.4, I must go back to timeline view and return to O&A, which is most inconvenient.

In previous PTE 8.0.21 that information existed on O&A view, why not now?

Please, this is urgent!




Jose... I was looking into this in v9.0.4. Sometimes, the Full Duration would show up in Slides and Timeline. But then, when I did something, it disappeared or only showed in Slides, not Timeline. So I think there is a bug. I can make it reappear, but then it disappears again. So maybe Igor can see what's going on.




Some confusion...

In Timeline view, the Full Duration always shows (in my case).

In O&A view, the Full Duration never shows (in my case).

Do you name "Slides" to "O&A"? In your case, the No-show is on Timeline view? In any case, bug or not bug, Igor should deal with this urgently.


  On 3/15/2017 at 2:39 AM, orizaba said:


Some confusion...

In Timeline view, the Full Duration always shows (in my case).

In O&A view, the Full Duration never shows (in my case).

Do you name "Slides" to "O&A"? In your case, the No-show is on Timeline view? In any case, bug or not bug, Igor should deal with this urgently.




I never use the Full Duration feature so I don't really know when it should show or not show up or in which menu. But, when I open PTE, the FD is there in both the Slides and Timeline. If I am in Timeline and click on an image, the FD disappears. If I click Slides, it does not reappear. Then, if I click on an image, FD comes back. I never see it in O&A. Not sure what you mean by 'Do you name "Slides" to "O&A"?'.



I have noticed, on my system at least, that if you add slides to Slides using the default time and transition time then the "Full Duration" disappears bottom left in Timeline. However, if you then alter the slide time and the transition time of a single slide by dragging in Timeline or altering the boxes in Slides, then the "full Duration" reappears for that slide and the slides adjacent to it. Not sure if that is what is meant to happen. 



While we are waiting for Igor to reply,

It is the STATUS BAR which is missing in O&A and not just individual entries in the Status Bar. (On my PC).

I cannot make the FSD entry in the Status Bar disappear in SLIDE VIEW, But in TIMELINE VIEW it comes and goes, apparently to a pattern that I do not really understand. :)

Possible bug in Status Bar in Timeline View? :)


Could it be, that because the information is available elsewhere in O&A that the Status Bar was deemed to be unnecessary in order to make more room for all of the added "tracks"?

EDIT - You do not need a KF at FSD to show its value. Positioning the Cursor at FSD will show its value. One anomaly - if you have "Show Global Times" ticked in Preferences / Editor then you see the time from the start of the show. I do not use "Show Global Times".




I didn't understand a problem with status bar in the main window.

By default PTE display full slide duration for a selected slide in the statusbar. It works in the Slide list view and in the Timeline view.

You can choose "Full slide duration" or "Slide duration" in the Preferences. 


Add four images to the Slide List. (Show FSD and KFSD turned on in Preferences).

Go to Timeline View.

Click on each of the four slides in turn.

On BOTH my PCs as you step through each Slide In Turn the FSD indication in the Status Bar Appears and then Disappears at random.

If it not some sort of Issue, could you explain the reason why it does this?





Please see my previous post as FSD indication disappearing and reappearing follows a pattern. Again probably it is not meant to



1. Dave said: "It is the STATUS BAR which is missing in O&A and not just individual entries in the Status Bar. (On my PC)."

    Correct, it is exactly this what is going on in my case.

2. Igor said: "The O&A editor will display "Full duration" in the next update - 9.0.5."

    Fine, will it be soon?

3. All other issues about showing on and off, I can not see them in my computer.



  On 3/15/2017 at 3:43 PM, orizaba said:


3. All other issues about showing on and off, I can not see them in my computer.




Jose, The problem I posted about the FD showing on and off in the main menu, I just figured out partly why I was having this 'issue'. When I updated to the latest version, I did not go into my 'Settings/Preferences/Toolbars' and insure that all the blocks were checked. Once I did that, Duration and FD stayed on, but only for images in Slides. It would stay if I clicked on the Timeline just for that image, but as soon as I clicked on another image, the D and FD disappears. Why does it not just stay on also in Timeline for each image?

If I understand what you want is it to show also in the O&A.


  On 3/15/2017 at 8:42 AM, davegee said:

...You do not need a KF at FSD to show its value. Positioning the Cursor at FSD will show its value. One anomaly - if you have "Show Global Times" ticked in Preferences / Editor then you see the time from the start of the show. I do not use "Show Global Times"...


It is logical that in case of "Show Global Times" we do not see the full duration (a parameter of minor importance :)). It is not an anomaly. What we see is quite normal :):)

  On 3/15/2017 at 11:13 PM, jt49 said:

Where do you want to place it.Why not the standard duration, a parameter of greater importance?


V9.0.5 Beta will be today for testing and discussion.

In the O&A editor you work with full slide duration, not pure slide duration. The timeline panel display current slide + next transition.

  On 3/16/2017 at 11:25 AM, Igor Kokarev said:

... In the O&A editor you work with full slide duration, not pure slide duration. The timeline panel display current slide + next transition.


:):):) Do you really think that this wasn't clear to me? You may regard it as a political statement. Some time ago, if some people from the RPS AV-Group and I hadn't objected, the standard duration would have been totally replaced by the full duration with all its negative effects, including KFSD.

  On 3/16/2017 at 11:25 AM, Igor Kokarev said:

V9.0.5 Beta will be today for testing and discussion.

In the O&A editor you work with full slide duration, not pure slide duration. The timeline panel display current slide + next transition.


Igor, Looks good to me. The 'disappearing' durations are gone now. Thanks.


  On 3/15/2017 at 11:34 AM, Igor Kokarev said:


The O&A editor will display "Full duration" in the next update - 9.0.5.


Igor, thanks.

I have just tried PTE 9.0.5 Beta. Full Duration on O&A editor, ok. Correct duration of a replaced video, ok. Thanks very much.

Just two more things:

1 - It concerns to "Add track" (in Project Options - Audio).

Every added track shows in Timeline view in the last/down place. It is normal, no problem.

Problem is when I have 10 or 15 tracks, when I want to edit such new track, I must MOVE TRACK UP 10 or 15 times, to put it in first place, because I must have it close to the slides in order to better sync, work volume control, etc..

I think it would very easy to create 1 more option, besides the actual MOVE TRACK UP and MOVE TRACK DOWN.

This new option would be MOVE TRACK TO TOP, I mean, put it in first place, close to the slides.

This would be great. In fact, in my projects I use a lot of audio tracks (complex soundtrack), sometimes I have 30 or more tracks, so you can imagine how annoying it is to move them up, click by click, 10, 20 or 30 times.

2 - It concerns "zoom in" the timeline.

When we zoom in (Ctrl+), the cursor moves quickly to the left or to the right and disapears. Most inconvenient!

Would it be possible, when we zoom in, to keep the cursor static?

Thanks again.



  On 3/17/2017 at 12:03 PM, Igor Kokarev said:


Please start a new topic for a new problem. It will help me track each problem separately.


Igor, I just opened 2 new topics, in SUGGESTIONS, with these 2 requests.


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