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I've seen reference in a couple of threads to saving a file with a .p2e extension. I also downloaded a couple of "bonus" things from the utility section where Al's Adjustor is, that are this extension. When I try to open them, I am thus far unsuccessful.

Are these to be renamed? Is there a convention here of which I am unaware? Just trying to learn as quickly as possible and learn from all the great help in this forum!

Thanks! :P

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David the pte extension is the file that is made when you do your fist save as -- it contains the settings pict order etc for the program

assume your fist show is called david

when do a saveas david a pte file is created


you must now do a create as david

and a file named david.exe will be created

the exe is your show

the pict to exe program will open the pte


you can use a text editor to open it if yo want to see the settings

ken B)

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p2e is a nickname -- some of us use it for many purposes

for example

i might write to somebody that is familiar with the slang and tell them i am working on a p2e

it means i am working on a show

to take the p2e and pte discussion further, some anti virus programs will not pass exe's so to get around the problem some people when sending a small exe by email to somebody they will rename the exe

in this example


would be renamed to


with instructions in the letter to copy the paste the file out of the mail program to a folder and change the file david.p2e


david.exe to get it to work

ken ;)

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