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Hello,  the property tab in objects and animation listed in the help document.


I am curious/confused about and usage particularly:

  • Convert to Alpha Image
  • Animated Image
  • Hide Child Objects

Thanks in advance




File Name - Path and File Name - Object can be changed
Main Object - Choose a number - for use with Styles
Sharper (-) / Smoother (+) - Default value is (-100)
Low quality of re-sizing
Convert to Alpha Image
Animated Image
Edge Anti-Aliasing
Aspect Ratio Crop - Crop to a specific Aspect Ratio using drop-down menu
Image Crop (Percentage or Pixels) - Crop pixels (or %) from Left, Top, Right or Bottom of the Object
Border Width and Colour (Percentage or Pixels) - Add a border of any colour to the Object in Pixels (or %)
Transparent to Selection - prevents selection of the Object using the Mouse
Show Front Side - in 3D animation determines if the Front of the Image is seen or hidden
Show Back Side - in 3D animation determines if the Back of the Image is seen or hidden
Hide Child Objects
Fit Mode - Choose “Fit” or “Cover”
Time Range - Choose the points between which the Image/Object shows (depending on the setting of Opacity)




First for "convert to alpha image", have a look at the online Help file under "Version 9 How To's" and scroll down to the sub-heading "Complex Masks".  This shows the effect of switching the alpha channel on and off.

Animated objects is, I think fused for animated png files, but someone else with a bit more information may reply to this point.

Hide child objects is used when you have a main object with a child additional object.  If you apply a 3D movement to the main object and you do not want to see its back side, you can switch on "hide child objects", and when the main objet rotates you will see a blank side and no child object.  Just try it and you will see how it works.

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