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PTE utilities


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Hi all members,

In the coming month I'm going to rebuild my web page and probably remove many of my programs/utilities. Then I want to enhance those utilities left. To do this I need your help. Please write here:

1) Which utilities are most wanted.

2) Which new features you want to see in existing utilities.

3) Any idea for new utility for PTE.

4) Any idea for new utility not PTE related.

Check my web page here.

Thank you


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Guest Techman1


Thank you first of all for all of your hard work in providing so many wonderful utilities that we can use here. You have created so many, it is hard to pick which ones are the best. In many cases, people don't know that they need one until a specific project hits them in the face. I know I have found several programs that you have created helpful for unique circumstances that have come up for me.

I would like to see any of the HTML utilities remain, because I see so many people asking about these on this forum. Don't know how many have used them, but I see where they can and probably do get used often.

I would also like to see the Flash related programs remain also (like FlashMe). Again this is an area where people often ask "how do I do this". I think this area really helps out people and makes PTE even shine brighter than it already does.

Another area is in the Autorun and CD automation areas. Again, this seems to be an area of hot topic on this forum so I believe this really helps many novice (and advanced) users.

I'm sure there are many others that people would like to see, but these seem to be the primary ones that I would like to mention. I hope you can leave as many as possible on your site, because you never know what you might need. I suspect that is why you created so many unique programs.

Regarding enhancements, I still believe that your latest (not yet distributed) AutorunMenuWindow will benefit many and will be an excellent addition to your programs. Other than that I really can't think of any today, but I'm sure something will come up and I'll need to see if you have something already prepared.

Again, I would like to thank you for all of your efforts and hope you continue to create!

Take care,


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I just got to try the "new and improved" AutoRes utililty. For the things I tested, it works great! :D

This machine is running XP Professional. I tried several different screen resolutions, and also tried both running the show all the way through and stopping in the middle (using <esc>). All worked fine.

Thanks much. I will use this and think others will find it helpful too. It takes away the guess work of predicting what screen resolution the recipients will be using. It's particularly useful where the technical savvy is low or unknown. For example, if I told my parents to change the screen resolution before running my slide show, they would be lost. This does it all for them.

Now, coupling this with an autorun utility will be tops, especially when distributing the shows on CD. I haven't ever done the autorun thing yet, but I suspect I can figure it out.

One other thing I thought of which I can't easily test: are there some smaller / older monitors / drivers that cannot "do" certain resolutions? For example, if I set this utility to run at 1024 x 768 and the monitor won't handle that, what happens? Just a thought. Maybe it's not an issue or a very low probability.

Thanks again. B)

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