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presentation assistance needed


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hello there

i am very new to this so please bear with me. i am a hotel manager and am putting together a presentation for some of my clients.

it is principaly a slideshow which i have no problem with. i have tested the slideshow with an autorun.inf and it works fine.

i have made a one slide exe with buttons linking to email,web site and slideshow tested on a CD and it all works fine. my problem is with a very short video mpeg(hotel.mpg) that i would like to link to a button.

the software i am using is the media player classic which is a free media player.

in the object editor i chose 'run application or open file'

in program name i have put in the player(mplayerc.exe) burnt all to a CD and it works fine. however how can i link the player to the hotel.mpg file and have it play automatically when opened and hopefully close on completion and return to the first one slide exe.

this is the one last step and i will have a perfect presentation. this (PTE) software is really quite remarkable and a pleasure to use. any assistance would be most appreciated.many thanks


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If you make your "media player classic" the default player for mpeg files (it may be already), then if you put in the name of the movie ("hotel.mpg") iin PTE instead of the "media player" exe, it may work as you want it to.

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If you make your "media player classic" the default player for mpeg files (it may be already), then if you put in the name of the movie ("hotel.mpg") iin PTE instead of the "media player" exe file name, it may work as you want it to.

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hello alrobin

many thanks for your reply.after making my post and before i read your reply i tried this in PTE.

object editor/button properties


it ALMOST works.now when i click the button the media player opens and plays the file but upon completion the file/mpg will not close but keeps repeating.i am happy to have just reached this point but to have the mpg close upon completion would be perfect.

i was wondering if the 'close' command should not be in another place like

i.e:mplayerc.exe/play/close/hotel.mpg OR

mplayerc.exe/play/hotel.mpg\close OR /close

the option i have been using so far in ACTION is 'run application or open file'

i have noticed another option 'run application and exit'i wonder if this would do the trick

thank you again for your kind reply.if there is anything i have typed above that makes sense i would appreciate your thoughts

best regards


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Normally PTE does not provide for command-line interfacing with external programs, so I doubt if your options will work - however, there is no harm in trying, and if you do get something to work in this manner, please let us know.

In show settings, "close show after last slide" is intended to close the PTE show. I doubt if it would have any effect on the closing of the external application. Did you try the method I suggested? What happens re the closing of the mpeg file when you run it normally, outside of PTE? Do you have to manually close it, or does it close automatically? Best of luck! :)

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hello alrobin

at least the command line mplayerc.exe/play/hotel.mpg did work but still cannot get it to close the mediaplayer.the options of the player allows for a one time play rewind and stop but there is nothing in the players options that allows for closing after playing.

i did try your suggestion of just putting the mpg in instead of the player.it works exactly the same as above but seems to me that this way it opens and plays quicker so for the time being i will stay with that.

i am not going to give up on this but because of time i will have to go with what i have as i need to get the presentation completed.but i will keep researching a way to do this and if sucessful i will definately let you know.it sure would be nice if command line interfacing can be added to a future upgrade of the pte program.

i do appreciate your kind assistance and i will stay in touch many thanks again regards


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Guest Techman1


If you will go to Boxig's site, "http://www.thailandphotoalbum.com" and look for the PTE utilities towards the end you will find the FlashMe programs. I believe the FlashMe2 or FlashMe3 program has the ability to play a *.mpg (or almost any video type file) prior to playing your slideshow. Based on the name, it was primarily designed to play a Flash introduction to your PTE slideshow, but Granot (Boxig) added this ability.

I've used it for *.avi files & flash and it does work. Give it a try and let us know.

Good luck!


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hello techman1

many thanks sorry to be so long getting back to you my job has kept me pretty busy.

i downloaded the flashme utility but havnt yet had a chance to use it.i also downloaded a few of the other utilities and will give them all a try.

i will let you know how they work out.

because of time restrictions i had to complete the slideshow i was doing for my presentation. it came out just great.

still would like to know how to exit the mpg and media player when finished but will get to that latter.

for the moment when the mpeg has completed it rewinds and stops and its just a matter of clicking the close button.it really is not that inconvenient just trying to be a perfectionist i suppose.thanks to everyone for your kind assistance regards


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