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Hi there,

I am new to this forum so hope I am not repeating a question. I currently use Premiere Pro to edit my videos and Photoshop CS5 for my photos. I like to make a slide show of my images but am finding this is becoming boring hence the need for me to purchase P2E. Question please.

1) Can I import .mxf video into P2E and how would I do this?

2) How long can I make an AV without it crashing?


Many thx for the help!



Hi Rose,

You will have to rename the .mfx video to filename.mp4 - probably no need to convert and then PTE will recognize and play it. Since there are numerous types of .mfx files, only experimentation will tell you whether you need to do a simple conversion or not.

The AV length depends on the format you use. If you create an executable format file, the absolute limit in file size is two gigabytes. This is actually a 32 bit limit rather than strictly a PicturesToExe limit. How "long" this might be depends of course on the size of your images. The smaller the jpg the more of them you can have. There are a number of shows which have been created which are way over an hour in length.

If you output your show to video, then the length limit will depend more on your own hardware limitations. In either case, the shows can be much longer than your audience will probably want to watch. 

Why don't you just download the trial copy of PicturesToExe and experiment a bit - I think you will be pleasantly surprised?

Best regards,



Hi Lin,

Thanx so much for your help. Yip I will download a trial version first and play around with it.



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