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In a previous version of PTE I created the Barn Door Transition using 2 Slide 1's and used the canvas size option to reduce each one to 50% of the original size thus creating to two Barn Doors. This placed the centre point at the edge such that rotation of the doors took place from the right and left hand edges of the image. I have been trying to recreate this Transition in PTE 9 but Image Crop places the centre point back in the middle of the cropped image and there appears to be no Canvas Crop option. Bearing in mind this is in the Creating A Transition option,  is it possible to shift the centre point to the edge of the cropped image? 

I hope that makes sense.



In O&A Animation (or the CT Editor) use "Centre" and "Pan" to shift the point of rotation to an edge or somewhere other than the centre.

In O&A Properties (or the CT Editor) use "Image Crop" to prepare the two "Barn Doors" with their centre moved to the appropriate edge.

The Left door would have zero removed from the left and 50% from the Right (and vice versa).




This transition sounds an interesting project. I would like to see it working in a slide show, is that possible please?

Ron West


Hi Dave,

Many thanks, I just couldn't fathom how to shift the Centre Point. I have now successfully replicated my previous Barn Door Transition

All the best


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