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A few of these posts got buried in another thread. I thought I'd pull them out so they have their own topic.

denwell Posted: Jun 11 2004, 04:08 AM  

I wonder -

Is there scope on this forum to include discussions on the techniques used in AV presentations - I refer to such things as the 'third image', accepted ways of transition from horizontal slides to vertical, pace of presentation, phasing with music/audio, and respective sound levels for voiceover and music tracks etc?

I have never managed to discover a publication/reference book which would give me this fundamental infoprmation, in a clear concise way.

I know wer'e supposed to be discussing the workings and advancemment of PTE but I'm sure many beginners (and more advanced) would welcome the oppoertunity to receive guidance in these basic AV areas.

What do you think?

Denwell (NE UK)  

alrobin Posted: Jun 11 2004, 04:21 AM  

Good point. I think this sort of discussion would be very useful and enlightening. It would touch on points which are very subjective in nature, so I guess that is why people seem to be reluctant to offer opinions on technique and the more artistic aspects of AV. The approaches to and uses for AV by different members of the Forum are very diverse, so not all would agree with the opinions offered, but I do agree that discussion of these areas would be beneficial.

Maybe the "Pictures to EXE Presentations" forum would be a good place for this to take place, and this forum could be reserved for technology.


Ciao, Al

Ottawa, Canada


Alan Lyons Posted: Jun 11 2004, 05:55 AM  

I agree, dare I suggest another section for this. As Al says the methods are diverse, and the final work is subjective. But the basics can be explained and applied to shows then improvments can come from discussion.



Alan Lyons

Dublin Ireland

dagrace Posted: Jun 11 2004, 07:45 AM  

I for one would read (and contribute to?) such topics with gusto. While I agree with Al and others that it is very subjective, we can still discuss technique and decide choose that for this particular show, I might want something different, but for that place in that show, it's perfect.

Organizationally, I think it would be good to make it 1) clear that a topic is of this genre and 2) easy to find such topics.

Let's try.   :D



Any other opinions? How do we make it happen? I would really like to pick others' brains and see how some of these awesome effects happen.


I am all for the kind of discussion envisioned. Usually, the best catalyst is comments on a particular show that has been posted. As for a separate area of the forum, I don't think it is necessary. As I think Al suggested, it could fit quite well under "Presentations" in this forum. One of the wonderful things of this whole PTE forum is that no one gets real upset about "off topic" posts. As a result of such freedom to post, we all learn a great deal about more than we might otherwise think to seek. Finally, there is indeed much knowledge in the AV community that is beyond many PTE users. Fortunately, these knowledgeable av'ers are very willing to share when the opportunity arises.


I think it an excellent idea that should warrant its own forum. This would prevent these pearls of wisdom getting lost amongst the other more general posts.

I expect, though, that after the initial spate of offerings the number could be too small to sustain itself so if they were in with other non-technical discussions it might help to keep the theme alive. Even when the same ideas keep reappearing they will have a slightly different twist each time around.

I suggest a thread is started (by someone with rather more expreience than I) in the presentations forum (advertise it in the other fora) and if it proves to be self sustaining then try to get it moved it to its own slot.

I could certainly benefit from any ideas there and would love to be able to contribute as my experience grows.


Maybe we could get Igor to "pin" it in the other "Presentations" forum, alongside Ken's excellent "Links to Members' Sites" thread, at least until we see whether it generates enough traffic for its own separate sub-forum.


Technical Forum (Presentation Technology)

I also agree with Al, Denwell, Alan, David, MikeL and others who concur on the idea of a

Technical Forum. Taking up on Al's point of "such diversity of interest..." it would seem

that the new Forum is already in existance judging by the caption on the top of this page:-

New Techniques Forum - perhaps it should be called "Techno Forum" which would cover

all aspects of:-

* Audio/Visual Technology (Camera,Projector & Sound equipment Utilities) Group A

* Production Technology (PTE Programming and the A/V Program assembly) Group B

* PC Platform Mechanics (PC.Hardware & Software problems running PTE) Group C

* Diverse PTE Applications (Diverse Technology Formats for presenting PTE) Group D

When one surveys all the 'mail' in the Forums a definite pattern emerges and by popularity

they pan out as follows:- Group B, Group C, Group A, and recently emerging is Group D.

The emerging 'new' technologies Group D must not be ignored - AFTER ALL - who demands

that I use CD-Rom or DVD or PC.Hard-drive ??

Currently I am experimenting with putting a PTE Show on 'Compact Flash Card' and on the

new IDE Flash Module - Why ? - no moving parts and massive memory providing very

good colour and excellent sound and virtually wear-out proof - and STABLE.

Within a very short time the CD-Rom and the C-Drive and the PC as we know it will be

things of the past. One only has to look at Industry to see this happening now

in the form of Micro-Controllers, which use a form of 'Unix' dispensing with Windows platforms.

No don't panic they are quite capable of handling Visual C++ (Window visual basic program)

So PTE will still work, but so much better, and we all know how good it is now !

Excuse my ramblings, I thought I would throw a few ideas into the 'pool' and why not ? as

we all enjoy the fruit's of the PTE Program and is it not a fact that we owe Igor & the Team

more International support through a good healthy Co-operative 'Techno Forum'-

An excellent idea and one I feel would be well supported - count me in.

All the best,

Brian Kelly.

Conflow Dublin



Twelve months ago, for demonstration purposes, I successfully put a couple of PTE sequences on a Compact Flash Card to show how miniaturised things could become. However for practical purposes the recipient would have to have a card reader or "Compact Flash" Camera to view the contents.

Ron [uK]


Hi Ron,

Its nice to see that others are experimenting with Compact Flash Cards and various new

Multi-Media Systems - its the way forward. Recently there has been a dramatic upsurge

in 'New Presentation Technologies' particularily in the fields of Static Information Systems,

Libraries, Museums, Instructional VDU's etc;

The design criteria is very simple:- No moving parts, Vandal-proof, Child-easy and simple

access to a bog standard Numeric Keypad.


How is Copthorne these days ? - I spent many happy times wandering around Itchinore

Harbour & Marina where we had a Boat, and of course Arundel Town and that fabulous Castle you have.

For the benefit of readers this is a most magnificent part of England, very Tudor and very

much hidden away - someday Ron you must get around to putting some photo-wallpaper

on your very nice Webpage.

Best wishes from Dublin,

Brian Kelly.Conflow.


When the AVI feature came on the scene i suggested we use one thread to add tips to and was hoping Igor pin a section for tips -- needless to say it got lost in the upgrade things to do and he has never done it. Maybe somebody else can light a fire under this subject once more



Nov 29 2003, 09:09


ken B)


And to take the topic one step further -

if people are not going to enter questions in the proper category, in about a week it be back to what is today.

the oldtimers are entering in the 3 sectoons we have but the newbies are entering all the questions in the first section


avi questions should go to


comments on presentations to


until we use the 3 sections properly that we already have, another section is not going to help -- we have suggested the forum have more sections -- management have agreed -- but have yet to see them <_<



I fully support dagrace and the suggestions from denwell. Finding a good "home" for these discussions would be v. helpful. I find you often have to search quite a bit to find a thread you remember and want to reread. More sections might help here.

The forum is such a splendid place to learn. As has been mentioned, you often find great tips in among other discussions. The expertise allround is fantastic and the willingness to share knowledge with other makes the forum quite unique.

Alan (in UK)


Hi All,

I think we've lit a fire again! I feel that when we mentioned the "techniques used" in the other thread what we were looking for was more on, for want of a better word the "direction" which pulls a show together.

i.e. when to fade and for how long, choice of images and sequence, how to build the soundtrack to inhance the images, ect

We can easily get bogged down in the equiptment to use. Ask any of the analogue workers in this forum! I feel that you need to take your production skills as far as you can with what you've got as these skills are what make the show. If you renew or upgrade your equiptment it is easier to learn its uses from this position.


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