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Hello all

I'm new to this AV lark and this forum so be gentle with me... :D

I've just created my first PtoE presentation and I would appreciate any feedback. It's called 'Ice' and it's about ... er.. there's a clue in the title... :)

It's on a temporary page at the moment at ... this page

Hope you like it.

Thanks, Vince

PS - the music isn't copyright free but I have permission from the author to use it.



Exceptional show with beautiful photos. Very nicely done.

Good choice of music background, slide sequence colors blended well and your choice of just a few transitions.- perfect.

Could you pass along to members the location and maybe a bit about the venture.

I've just created my first PtoE presentation

Looking forward to next one – We all gain by sharing.

Thank you

Viewed on Pent II – 233

800x600 also 1024x768

All transitions smooth


Interesting how many different forms and textures this simple thing can take. Nicely captured.

I, too, would be interested in nowing a bit more about where the shots were taken.

Good job, Vince.

Probably no control on your part, but the server where I downloaded this from was extremely slow. Took me nearly an hour to download it, and I'm on cable :blink:

That shouldn't deter others from giving it a go. Worth the wait...


I abandoned the download because of the slowness. I have no downloading troubles with Beechbrook, so it shouldn't be my equipment

Ron [uK]


Thanks for your comments. I'm sorry about the slowness - I'm not sure what the problem is, I'll investigate.

The images have been collected over a number of years and are both scanned 35mm and digital. The first three icicles were on rock outcrops on the Pennine hills, northern England. Next lot (ice crystals, ice covered twigs etc.) were mainly taken in the Lake District last New Year. After that there's a mixture of the Pennines, Lake District, North Wales and Scotland.

The ice climbs were on Low Water Beck Waterfall and Raven Crag Gully, both in the Lake District on a rare occasion when they actually froze!. After that there are three from Iceland (group and figure in front of ice caves), two from Spitsbergen (figure in blue in front of ice cliff), then the rest are from the Alps - mainly Austria but four from Switzerland and one from France.

I'll see what I can do about the downloading speed.




Hi "loweskid"

I was lucky enough to download your slideshow despite the very slow connection. :blink:

You give us the opportunity to follow you in a strange (... as the music background !), uncommon and very beautiful world.

How lucky you are !

Very great shots !

I am impressed by the technical situation you had to face (low temperatures, gloves, uncomfortable situation, winds ...)

Thank you very much for sharing



:rolleyes: To all

I must be the only person on real ADSL because the download was not slow at all. Thanks for telling us where all those fantastic shots were taken. You could feel the chill.



Thanks for letting me know Barbara - and also thanks for the compliments.

My site was down for while this morning so maybe there was a problem with the server which has now been (I hope) fixed.


Have tried again. After 9% of 32 Mb downloaded it estimated another 36 minutes to go, and it was increasing all of the time, so I cancelled. Sorry.

Ron [uK]


Finally downloaded - worth the wait :D

FWIW I am on adsl (1500mbps) and it still took me around 35 minutes and I had a load of bandwidth being unused - seems to throttle from the servers end .

Anyway, love the pictures, thought the music was most appropriate and the setup very good.

One thing you can't get away from - Good photos maketh the presentation ! - no matter how much high faluting technology we use to generate it.

Any more where that came from Lowskid? :D:D



Yes loweskid, very nice photos on which you built an enjoyable show. The first photos reminded me of some ice-theme shots of my own. Your latter photos reminded me that I don't do ice climbing and don't have photos like that! Looks like great adventure. Finally, I was reminded of a recent favorite movie, Touching the Void of true mountain-ice climb in Peru. Are you, as a climber

aquainted with the incident?


Thanks for the compliments folks. Sorry for the delayed reply - computer went down over the weekend (kept continuously re-booting). Luckily it was just the power supply unit gone faulty (5 volt rail down to 4.78) and not a re-format/re-install job as I was expecting. Phew....

Lumenlux - Touching the Void Yes, I read the book when it first came out but I haven't seen the movie yet.

Ron, got this from my ISP - make of it what you will... :blink:

The speed depends on the websites hosting company's backbone connection to the internet and their user contention ratio. As more users are connected to the server then each gets a share of the available bandwidth. There is nothing much you can do to speed it up. It would be more dependant on the users ISP not the hoster of the site. User contention ratio is a big factor with broadband if there are a lot of users active.



I have persevered and allowed it to download whilst having my afternoon tea and I am glad that I did. I agree with all that has been said before. In addition I would add that ice and snow require expert photographic handling and you have shown your expertise in this sequence. No burn outs of the white areas with perfect exposures.

Just one query, not affecting the showing of the sequence, my download includes a *.ico image but this has not been used in setting up the sequence. Was there a reason for that?

Ron [uK]


Thanks for persevering Ron - glad you liked it.

No particular reason to include the icon. I originally made it just so I could have it on my desktop. I included it in the zip in case any of my friends who have downloaded it also wanted to do the same thing.

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