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Hello Dave

Thanks for the style. An easy and quick way to group either images or videos which could be used as an introduction menu.


  • 2 years later...

Adding/Creating More Placeholders

I downloaded the 9 images style and have found it very useful so thanks very much.

I would like to be able to add more placeholders to the style so that I can add images.

In OandA PROPERTIES, each placeholder has a unique name and picture name- I have tried to add/create new placeholders but am unable to do so

Am I missing something?

Would appreciate advice



How many images would you want? Would you want a specific AR or, as with this Style, compatible with all (except 5x4).

The next logical number would be 16 (4x4). 




Many thanks for your response

Yes 16 would be great and I would stick to the original AR as you created in your Style.

Some, probably most, of the styles you have created are way beyond my skill levels.  Modifying or adapting other people’s Styles is about all I can do until now but just to clarify and to save me hours of trying to create Placeholders, are more in depth skills required to create new Placeholders?

Thanks once again for your response



"Placeholder" is not really a PTE term.

I would perhaps use a frame as a "parent" for an image.

Call back tomorrow - I will post a 16 image example with frames.

Trying to adapt an existing Style can sometimes take as long as starting again.




Many thanks for the updated 16 image style, really appreciate it.

I will use the term OBJECT for the TextWithSize:1624:1080 etc

I have tried to create a TEXTWITHSIZE  in Photoshop Elements and can get the blank object/picture/image into PTE OandA but not with the Object numbering as you have done

It seem to work when applying the style to 16 images in the slide list but if I can't keep track of the Main Object Numbers it may be self defeating

On reflection, I should ask you how to create the TextWithSize Objects?

Once again many thanks for taking the time and effort to help me



Where are you seeing "Text with size"?? Are you applying the Style to 16 images in the Slide List?

Can you post a screen shot?

The "Frame" which is the parent of the image in each case is created in PTE - right click in O&A - Add / Frame.




I am using an iMac and the latest version of PTE AV Studio

Here is a screenshot of the 16 Images showing the OandA screen with "TextWithSize" showing in the Object Properties box ie Name and Picture and under each frame with its own unique number

Your 16 image style is working perfectly

I just wanted to be able to create blank Objects so that I can add them when and if I try to create new Styles

Sorry if I am confusing you!





"Text with size" is a somewhat confusing error message which shows up when you supply no (or not enough) images to apply the Style to.I

Compare it to a properly applied Style with the correct number of images.




I understand about not supplying enough images etc but how did you get the correct Objects into the OandA screen in the first place?

What I am trying to understand is the process of creating a style from scratch, that is choosing an Object(s) that have unique numbers that follow the Name and Picture in Properties.

Once the parameters are set in OandA, the style is created and applied to the relevant number of slides in the slide list.  

I have no problem applying the style to the slides in the list but I am struggling to learn how to create a style from the start.

Hope you can help



In this case,

Add a frame , it will fill the O&A screen.

Rename it "Frame1" in o&a Properties.

Change its size in o&a Properties to 480x270 (1920/4 and 1080/4)

In o&a Animation change the Pan x and Pan y values to -75% to place the frame in the top left corner.

Right click on "Frame1" and Add an image. It will be in Parent / Child mode. You can set its aspect ratio to 16/9 in o&a Properties. Also add a border. Tick the Main Object box and set its index to 1.

Go to o&a Animation and set the zoom value for the image to about 85%.

That should get you started. Next add another frame and go through the same procedure........





Couldn't resist trying to create the style from scratch as per your advice.  So far so good

Must admit I got hung up about the "TextWithSize" messages - they are confusing.

When I finally understood the full and proper process of style creation it is far more straightforward to start from scratch than trying to modify existing styles in OandA

Thanks once again


  • 4 weeks later...

Hi everyone
Thanks Dave for the style, I want to use it but I find a problem, I have 9 slides and each one with different layers and when applying the style it only acts on one image and it does not matter the other layers, there is a solution to make it matter to the style all the layers on each slide?
Sorry for my english


Styles are a very good concept, but the way to apply them is (to some extent) misleading. As we see here, it happens quite often that users build up their slides (including several animated images), and then they try to apply a particular style to these slides, wondering that the effect does not meet their expectations. What we have to keep in mind: A style is a kind of a generic slide (or a series of slides), and it requires just as input a set of images (or videos), but not a set of (preconstructed) slides. IMO the user interface for styles should take this into account. I would not regard the slide list as the appropriate input medium for styles. It works, but ....

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