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In September 2014 Cedric Dawnhawk generously provided an Excel macro “PTE info” for making a list of files in a PTE file.

Unfortunately it does not work with the PTE version 9.0.20, which I presently use.

The result is an error code: “Error 3201, opt_synch_count not found”.

I have checked with older version of PTE files, and they work just fine.

Is there an updated version of PTE info available?

Hopefully someone can help, I need it badly for a large 3D project.

Best regards



Hi Peter,

I don’t know this Excel macro PTE INFO, but I would like to try it. Could you please let me know where can I find it?

Thanks and regards,



Hi Orizaba

In 2014 PTE info could be downloaded from a posting from Cedric Dawnhawk in this forum, so hopefully it is all right to attach it here. The link from 2014 is not active anymore.

In the meantime I found out that the missing "opt_sync_count" is part of the *.pte text file in version 8, but is not in version 9. The VBA code in PTE info is password protected, so I am not able to try to change it (my VBA abilites might not be sufficient anyway :-)



PTE Info.zip


Thank you Igor

The script is password protected, so I cannot modify it, but I have contacted the author, and he has promissed to make the modification within a week or two.




Hi Peter If your need is just to print the names of files inside a PTE project folder you can try this useful freeware you will find on internet : Cathy


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