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Hello everyone :rolleyes:

I would love to view more of the presentations over on the Beechbrook Cottage site but the download times appear so long. Eg. the Signs of Old would take my PC 1 hour 20 min. My telephone then would be out of action and sometimes my service provider Freeserve cuts me off and I have to keep checking.I don't think I can afford Broadband. I don't suppose there is any other way of seeing these? It's a pity someone couldn't put all the best AVs onto a CD and offer them for sale quite cheaply. By the way What does the download count mean? Is it an indication of time taken to download?



Hi Jeanie,

to answer in reverse,the download count is the number of times the show has been down loaded from the site. I agree that the download time is prohibitive for us who are using 56k modems. But if you start compiling CDs of shows for sale, you start getting into copyright laws and other legal nasties. I have given and recieved work on CDs within the forum and also the A/V comunity here in Ireland and the UK. I think this is a good way to share ideas and show your work to a greater audience. But you need to be sure of the person you give your work to, and that they will honnour the spirit in which it's given. I know Barry Beckham has CDs for sale on his site if you want to search the forum for the addredd. These include some of his fine work, but I think a "greatest hits of the forum" would be dificult to organise and control,




I heard of some sites who allow people to upload files for few days.

You can try and contact the creator and ask him to split the show to

one MB files (using "Gsplit") and upload them for you. Just an idea.


To Contaxman

Thanks for your offer of CD containing PTE shows. I don't know how to e-mail you. I looked on the members list but your e-mail address is not there. I would be glad to reimburse you for post and CD.

Thanks Jeanie.


Hi Jeanie

I also have only a phone line connection to the internet at home. What I do is download a slide show from Beechbrook on a computer with broadband. In my case that is at my work ;) but you can also do it at a friend or maybe a library. From that computer I put it on a USB flash drive and bring it home to my computer. A 128MB USB Flash drive cost around $30 in the US.

Maybe this is an idea for you.



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