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I created a slideshow and wanted to sync it to the music I had chosen. I added five .mp3 files to the project. I could never get it to work. I finally had to combine all five files into a single .mp3 file in a sound editor and the sync worked properly.

So can someone please confirm that this is in fact the case -- to sync a slideshow to music, the music must be contained in only a single file. If that is not the case, could someone tell me what I might have failed to check (or uncheck) to cause it not to work.

Thanks in advance.




I can't verify that it is indeed a requirement, but many of the threads here suggest that the mp3's all be combined into one before using in PTE. That seems to be the wisdom of the experts. I have done it and it works. Can't say that I've tried making the bits work.


I don't know it this is a requirement but it's the way I, and many other colleagues, work. It is also much easier this way to have smooth transitions (fade out-fade in) between the different sound tracks.


Don't worry, Mary, a multipart MP3 works normally: don't forget to use "the same bitrate" for encoding.

In the 4.30 beta, transition effect shown in the moment between two music tracks will not jerk more (adjusted by Igor).

Project Options, Music, Add: Your music 1, your music 2.....then Customize....between your musics, you could see a vertical light blue bar...

I have no problem with this method and several music together.


Hi all,

the main advantage of a single mp3 file is, you only load one file at the start of the show and it is played for the duration of the show. If you use seperate mp3 files P2E needs to load them just as they are requires so on some machines this will cause a delay which will become audible on playback. There for the mixed track is always the better option,


There for the mixed track is always the better option

Yes, sure ! But with the same bitrate, please !

But some don't use a sound editor...

to sync a slideshow to music, the music must be contained in only a single file


I answered to this ask.


Hi Micheal,

I agree totally with the bitrate comment. If you have ever been asked to run the sound deck for a slide tape festival you will know only too well the different levels and quality of sound supplied by entrants :o



Perhaps I didn't state my question correctly and so I am still a little confused. I do not want to customize the synchronization. I just wanted to have multple music files and allow P2E to automate the display of slides so that when the last of the 3 files has played, the slides have also finished displaying. So, if I have 1 .mp3 file that is 4 minutes long and 2 each that are 3 minutes long (10 minutes total) and 10 slides, I should be able to automatically synchronize and have each slide display 1 minute. I don't want to have to do anything manually.

If, on the other hand, I add one music file that lasts 10 minutes and I have 10 slides and check the "Synchronize to music" box, each slide will automatically play for 1 minute and the slideshow and the music end at exactly the same time.


For the first option you will have to set the slides to show for the given time and attach each piece of music to the slide that is shown when it is due to play.

In your example;

Slide 1 "Play 01.mp3"

Slide 3-4 "Continue to play 01.mp3"

Slide 5 "Play 02.mp3"

Slide 6 "Continue to Play 02.mp3"

Slide 7 "Play 03.mp3"

Slide 8 "Continue to Play 03.mp3"

Slide 9 "Play 04.mp3"

Slide 10 "Continue to Play 02.mp3" "Stop music after last slide"

This has its problems, as different machins may deliver the info at different times causing the sound to arive in blocks. Your first pice may swithc off before the next comes on.

With a single 10min. piece you click project options and sellect "add timed points" this spreads your slides out evenly over the time allotted. This is the better option as your show will travle to other machines in a more stable fashion.

Best of luck,


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