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Changing slide position in the slide list

Bill Artman

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When I make a slide show I always have a beginning title slide which positions itself as the very last slide in the slide list because the file name is an alpha not numeric. I am clicking the title slide and dragging it to the top in "jerky" up and down motions at the top of the slide list to make the list scroll toward the top.

Is there any way to move the slide from the last in the list to the first in the list?


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You can either

1. Drag another copy of the Title slide from the File List to the top of the Slide List then remove the copy at the bottom.

2. You could right click on the Title slide in the Slide List, use Copy then paste to the position you want and then Remove the original.

3. You could go to the Thumbnail Light Box, by clicking on F at the bottom of the PTE window, resizing so that all the thumbnails appear on the screen, then dragging the Title slide into its correct position.

4. Rename your Title slide with the pre-fix A or AA

Ron [uK]

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