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Problem with key


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I can't get a reply to my emails sent to support.

I registered my product and the email they sent back did not have a file attached. Instead I had written text at the end of the email.

support@wnsoft.comREGEDIT4 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PTE] "Key"="0Z8PKwg/2+ect about 100 plus letters and numbers.

I tried entering the "key" but this does not work. Any ideas.


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Someone will come up with the exact procedure soon, but in the meantime the key is the umpteen characters you have mentioned. Copy that and paste it to wherever it is required. It is some years since I first registered so I cannot remember the exact format, and even that has probably changed. You are not the first to ask so you may find some clues by searching the forum.

Good luck and welcome. You won't regret once you have this programme in your armoury.

Ron [uK]

PS See the post started by Bishopbrad on 13 July

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Welcome Philip

It is a while since I did mine too but I had no problems. What seems to happen is that sometimes the attachment becomes embedded in the email.

From looking at my reg code I deduce that (so may be a little out) this method could work.

Open Notepad

Copy the REGEDIT4[...] bit to the first line then on the next line paste the "key"="...everything up to and including the final quote..."

Save this as Reg.txt in your PTE program folder.

This is the file to give PTE when it asks for the Registration file

So the file should look something like


"Key"="0Z8PKwg... ldsiuhgv..."

I believe that it is also possible to enter this directly into the registry but that sounds a little dangerous to me.

Hope this helps.


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I think some confusion may be creeping in here with Mike referring to a *.txt file and if you look in the previous thread, mentioned in my post, Ken says that the *.txt file must be changed to *.reg

Guru's offer is worth pursuing, if as yet you haven't solved your problem,

Ron [uK]

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before all the antivirus and email proggies started protecting the customer/user

the reg key came as an attachment with reg as the extension and one only had to copy and paste it out of the mail program to a spot you could remember then you double clicked the pte.reg

you were questioned whether you sure you wanted to install to the registry , by this time after playing with the program you double clicked it and the program was registered.

i recently had a new system built and i being a pack rat tried to install my original key and i was promptly told that it was out of date, so i dug up another that igor had sent me Wed 1/24/2001 12:10 PM and voila i was registered again --- i dreaded the thought of having to ask for another :))

reg exe scr and numerous other extensions are flagged by the email program and virus scanner and wont let you open them or they put them in a spot you cant get to -- then the forum is bombarded with irate customers and we try to help the people out of their dilema

so without knowing exactly what the key looks like

if you open notepad

copy and paste the all ofkey info into the body of notepad then save as


you should get a reg file that looks like a bunch of blue squares

if you copied everything proper into notepad

save as pte.reg

then double click it you should get registered

when you open the pte program


your name should be across the top of the window

registered to "hiplip" or whatever you have your computer named

if i have made a mistake i apologize ahead of time - -Igor, Guido, nobeefstu where are you?????


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No, Ken, you're right as was MikeL117. I had to do this today as I changed my PC.

The important steps are to copy the whole string from :


to, and inclusive, the last quotation mark (sometimes people forget this last " but it is part of the key string)

in a neutral text editor like Notepad (and it is easier to save it in the PTE folder but not compulsory; it is also possible to save copies of this file in different locations just to be sure to retrieve it when needed)

This file can be saved as pte.txt or pte.reg; if it is saved as .txt, the location (path) of this file has to be given when PTE asks for it after clicking on the registration button.

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Thankyou all for trying to help me. Well I did what most of you sugested, copied all the string into notepad and saved it as a *.reg file made sure I had quote " . when the file was delivered there was no quote at the end of the file so I wonder if part of the key is missing ? because it still popsup saying "Invalid or Damaged key"


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For the record my key reads as follows, except that I have deleted most of the central characters:




Ron [uK]

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Phil, didn't you get my e-mail with attached key? The string you sent me is correct, but it lacks the equal sign and quotation mark at the end (see post of GĂ©rard De Lux).

Your key must end with ...Cp6O62c="

and its size must be 231 bytes.

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Thankyou Guru and every one else who has been very helpful on this forum.

The problem was an incomplete key ie: the =" was missing from the file sent to me by PTE or was it my email client was stripping it? anyway it now works fine, so thanks again for all your help.

Guru I think my email is down, haven't recieved any email at all today.


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now save the key in "secure place's"

be it floppy disc cd-r etc as well as all the info you have.

the original order

the confirmation

the file that came with the key [corrected of course]

as well as this page.

you may be able to help someone else:)


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