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I am using the latest beta, and have found that the music stops after a while when playing the slideshow for long periods. This did not happen in the older versions. I have been using P2E for years. :D

Anyone else have this happen?


Hi Dennis!

What does it mean "after a while"? And what are "long periods"?

How do you configured the show? Is the sound synchronized?


I would say that it stops after about 20 minutes, and that is about how much music I have in there. The sound is not synchronized. And I have it set to repeat. The show keeps going, but the music will stop after about 20 minutes. I went back to an older version, and all is fine again. :D


Since 4.01, if you want to repeat the sound file you must select "Repeat music after playing" in "Music" tab if you want that the soundtrack is repeated.


I have repeat music after playing checked. I have been using this software for quite a while. Can someone else try this, just start your show and let it go. See if the music stops. :huh:



Dennis, I haven't checked with 20 minutes sounds, but with short soundtracks all works well.



I have checked a 26:35 and a 30:56 min show with no problem -- both shows made with the 4.3 beta 3

the 26:35 min uses a continuous mp3 - joined with Audacity

and the 30 min 56 secs show uses 10 separate mp3

both are synchronized automatically with control of the show option checked

have you tried to make the show again with the same picts settings and music with the same beta?


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