pushu Posted July 24, 2004 Report Posted July 24, 2004 All of a sudden I have a problem with the object editor. I have created a generic title slide that I use for all my wedding shows. It is the only slide in my wedding template show. I then add all the other slides and set the presets for the buttons. Now, when I select object editor, I get about 1/2 of the box and everything locks up. I have to restart the program. I tried this with other slides and get the same result. I tried rebooting but with the same results. I downloaded the new beta version again and installed it, but still have the same problem. Other than that, the program works fine.I am using windows 2000proAny thoughts??? Quote
pushu Posted July 29, 2004 Author Report Posted July 29, 2004 I wish someone would reply to this. I keep trying the object editor but with the same results each time. I just downloaded the beta 6 version but it made no difference.Can anyone offer a suggestion?? Quote
ccmanz Posted July 29, 2004 Report Posted July 29, 2004 Myself I can not recreate the error.If you zip up the template of the generic title slide We could try to open it and see if we get the same error.cc Quote
alrobin Posted July 29, 2004 Report Posted July 29, 2004 pushu,It's obviously something peculiar to your particular pc setup or combination of events with the slide/objects you are trying to view. Is it possible for you to try it out on another pc with a different operating system? It sounds like a memory problem, or images too large to handle. How much RAM, and what processor speed? How large are the slide files (in pixel dimensions, and in kb)? Are you using images as objects, and if so , how large are their files? Did you try selectively removing objects until it works, to try to isolate the offending objects if any? Have you tried disabling all programs running in the background (email, virus checkers, photoshop, other utilities, etc.)? Did you re-boot the pc? (power it completely off rather than "restarting").It's difficult to trouble-shoot your problem without being able to recreate it ourselves. Quote
pushu Posted July 29, 2004 Author Report Posted July 29, 2004 thanks for the responses. I have used pic2exe for several years and this is the first time I have had this happen. just to give a little background...I am doing nothing different than how I have been making the shows for over a yearI have 2 gig of ram so I don't think that is an issueProcessor speed?? not sure but I Have a top of the line custom built machine (not by me) so I don't think that is an issue.all images within the show get resized to 1020pixelsI have rebooted many times - does not correct the problem - downloaded the new beta - still no help. I get the same problem regardless of what slide I select or how big the show iswhat I am trying to do is to use a slide as a menu. by selecting object editor and adding buttons that will take the customer to specific areas of the show.Al - maybe you remember you helped me with this a year or so ago with many, many emails and tutorials.I'm not sure I have tried shutting down all other programs but I will give that a try, but have my doubts that will change anything.I can try on another system but I would image that would work fine if the computer is different. I think it is something to do either with my system or how I am doing it.I could attach a screen shot of how it looks but I am unsure of how to do that.appreciate any help Quote
alrobin Posted July 29, 2004 Report Posted July 29, 2004 pushu said: all images within the show get resized to 1020pixels Yes, I remember sending some emails back and forth, but I don't remember what it was about. Hope this problem didn't start right after that! Not sure what you mean by "get resized" - are you resizing in an image editor to 1020 pixels by "x" pixels? Or are you using the "fit to screen" option in "Project Options / Screen"? What is the value of "x"?It sounds like you have the horsepower in your computer to handle any type of PTE show, and even to use large images. It obviously has something to do with the use of the objects. If you want to create a special one or two slide show with objects, small sound file, etc., you could zip up the works and email it to me and I would be happy to have a look at it for you.To create a screen shot, just press the "Print Screen" key, open a new canvas in your image editor, and hit "Ctrl - V" (for Paste). You may then want to edit (crop) the image and save it as a low-quality jpeg to make it suitable (small enough) for emailing. Quote
pushu Posted July 29, 2004 Author Report Posted July 29, 2004 Al: All the emails we went back and forth about were about helping me set up title slides and the menu. You were very helpful and no the problem did not start right after that. All has been well for at least the last year.when I say I resize the images, I do it in photoshop. they are resized to 1020x760 depending on wheather they are horizontal or vertical.I am trying to make a menu for the show. In the past, I have always used any slide and hit the object editor button and then added my buttons or links. Now when I do that, I get about the top half of the slide showing and it locks up the show. I have to hit alt/ctrl/delete and shut down pic2exe. It's almost like a part of the slide that isn't showing up, would have a button you need to select to move forward, but I can't see it. Like in Photoshop... If a dialog box pops up, you can't work on anything until you make the choice the box is asking you to make. (hope that makes sense).I understand how to make a screenshot... what I wasn't clear on is how to it get the screen shot to appear within my post? Quote
Ken Cox Posted July 29, 2004 Report Posted July 29, 2004 pushuyou cant post picts in the forumI think Al wanted you to send him a pict by regular emailhis addie isalrobin@alrobinson.comken Quote
Hawk Posted July 29, 2004 Report Posted July 29, 2004 pushuDo you have any saved menu shows including the .PTE file that you have created in the past to check with.If not -I would be curious to know if my “ Menu Demo Show “ works on your computer – just as a process of elimination to your problem.Cottage – Page 4It does contain all the images and .PTE working files. – maybe add a few images to it and see results. Quote
Guest guru Posted July 30, 2004 Report Posted July 30, 2004 Pushu, when exactly appears this issue? As soon as you push the "Object Editor" button, or when you try to insert your menu picture? Quote
pushu Posted July 30, 2004 Author Report Posted July 30, 2004 guru: the problem appears as soon as I select object editor. at that point I cannot go any further. I can select nothing at this point and can only shut down pic2exeHawk: I will download your show and give it a try.thank you all for your responses Quote
alrobin Posted July 30, 2004 Report Posted July 30, 2004 So you would not be able to use "PrintScreen" if the pc is locking up. Difficult problem to trouble-shoot. Sounds almost like a video card failure or incompatibility. I would suggest you take your pc in and have it looked at by a good technician. Quote
pushu Posted July 30, 2004 Author Report Posted July 30, 2004 good point Al. I am able to use the printscreen feature. I don't suppose there is any way to test for this without just replacing the video card?? Quote
alrobin Posted July 30, 2004 Report Posted July 30, 2004 I suspect a computer technician would be able to trouble-shoot the problem - but it might mean temporarily substituting another video card. Quote
Guest guru Posted July 30, 2004 Report Posted July 30, 2004 Thank you for the screenshot, Pushu. I agree with Al: it seems a video card problem. What is strange is that the problem appears only in PTE, and only in Object window. Have you checked other softwares (like Irfanview), to see if all works right?Anyhow, I've sent your screenshot to Igor, to see if he has some new idea about this odd issue. Quote
Conflow Posted July 30, 2004 Report Posted July 30, 2004 Pushu,I have been following this thread about the apparent Object Editor fault -Firstly, would you have a small PTE Show to hand, say about 3-4 minutes without Objectsbut with a Navigatoion Bar with Exit, Pause, and First Slide, Buttons.Do not use the Show you have problems with.Will you do the following in sequence-1) Can the PC replay your Show from beginning to end - do no touch Navigation Buttons.2) Now repeat the Show again - but this time USE the Navigation Buttons.Q1) How did the PC perform in Test (1) above - (Sound & Vision) ?Q2) How did it perform in Test (2) above - (Sound & Vision) ?Q3) Could you answer the Following:-*Before the 'failure' had you downloaded any Programs ? *Were you using any Photo Editor? or a Thumbnail Maker ?*Had you opened the 'Display Properties' in the Control Panel ?I do not want to pre-empt anything just yet - but we may get pointers once you do the Tests.Brian Kelly. Conflow.conflow@iol.ie Quote
pushu Posted July 30, 2004 Author Report Posted July 30, 2004 Let me add a bit of info to this. Ralph emailed me with a few suggestions and one of those was to download the new beta7 and put it into its own folder and install it into that folder so it is not part of my program files. then to try everything from that version just to see if there is a file conflict with me downloading and installing a new version over the existing.I did that and a very odd thing happens.....the first time I opened the program, I went to the first image folder that came up (it was jpegs) and added the images (about 20 images) didn't go any further and then chose the object editor. much t my delight, it worked properly. I thought the problem was solved, so I opened up a show I had created a while back and tried the object editor again. this time I had the problem as before as with every other thing I tried.So, I deleted everything and downloaded all over again, installed into a folder by itself and tried once more, this time with a different folder of images. the first time I select object editor, it works fine. however, it only works on the first try. everytime after that I get the problem.Is this odd or what????Conflow: I will try what you are suggestion right now and report back. thanks for the suggestion Quote
pushu Posted July 30, 2004 Author Report Posted July 30, 2004 Brian: I tried what you suggested. the show played without a problem if I used the arrow buttons on the nav bar or not. Can give no report on audio as there was none in the show. However, all of my shows play just fine regardless of the object editor problem. If I didn't want to use the object editor, I don't think I would be aware that I have a problem.I did not download any programs, although I have had to install many. all my work is done in photoshop. don't use any thumbnail programI have opened the display properties menu many times.I recently had a problem with my system and ended up have to reformat my hard drive and install a new mother board. Of course I had to reinstall every bit of software. But all worked fine for a time and all of a sudden the problem popped up.I am having a bit of an issue with my video card as I cannot make the s-video out work. Also there are a few quirks with some other programs (kodak's photo desk) that seem to point to a video card issue, although I'm not positive. Quote
Conflow Posted July 31, 2004 Report Posted July 31, 2004 Pushu,Thanks for getting back to me. From your previous correspondance I had anticipated that inall other respects (except object edit) that the PC was O.KMy experience with 2000 and 2000pro is that they are superbly accurate Operating Systems'but with a very high intolerance to minor 'system and software glitches' - much more so than 98se or XP which are quite tolerant to wildly conflicting commands - no such thing with 2000.I had narrowed the 'defect' down to the following:-1...Display Driver Problem ?2...Graphic Card Driver Problem ?3...PTE version issue conflict ?4...A command line conflict ?5...Orphan File conflict ?We can eliminate items 1 and 2 - otherwise the PC would not work properly - which it does !NEXTBecause you have used PTE for a few years, I assume that the origional Show was made withV4.14 ? (correct me on this) and you have downloaded the "Old" *.pte File and re-opened theShow to get at your Menu Image with its Button Objects ? - correct me again ? - and now theproblem appears ?. . It must be this way because you can not edit the Show.Exe File.Let me know your re-edit approach path ?NEXTNow I need to ask you:- How many versions of PTE have you installed on your PC ?If you dont know go to 'Start' -> Find/Search -> Files&Folders and when the Search Windowopens, type in 'apr' (lower case no commas) make sure it searches in th HD Drive.Each version of the program has an 'apr icon' with an 'ini.file' like Notepad with a gearwheel.There must be 2 files for every version installed.If you have more than 1 version get rid of the additionals or burn then to CD and then Uninstallthe old Programs and (cold) Re-Start the PC - see will this cure the problem ? If not,next -NEXTGraphic Drivers for Graphic Card's can develop 'soft errors' and the fact that you have been in and out of the 'Display Properties' may have upset something. 1st...Look at Display Properties with a fine 'toothcomb' make sure the 'refresh rate' is set at 80 or default, and its at least 24bit True Colour - try again. If that dont work go to next.2nd...If you have the Graphic Card Disc, re-load it, it usually 'over-writes' the Files installed.3rd... If that don't work - its very likely that you have a "dud Comms.Buffer" on the Graphic PCB.It doesn't always show up until the Board is put to damn hard work - which PTE demands andknowing 2000 it will 'baulk' if the 'check sums' are not correct. It will hang there because it cameacross a system error which it can't correct. It causes a complete-lockout as if the 'Operating System' had gone down. (if you have a 'Reset'button hit it) - no need to re-start.Its my wish for you that it doesn't come to that.Brian Kelly.Conflow.Dublinconflow@iol.ie Quote
pushu Posted July 31, 2004 Author Report Posted July 31, 2004 Conflow: That is some reply! I hope I can follow what you are saying.As far as the original show goes... the problem I am having is not specific to any one show. It will occur on shows that are old or ones that I create right now. On an earlier post I mentioned that I had reformatted my harddrive recently so pretty much started with a clean slate just a few weeks ago. As of now, I have two versions on my system, but only one is installed in the program files folder. I downloaded the new beta and put it in a folder on my desktop to keep it separate from the program files to check for conflicts. (see earlier post)Where exactly do I find the setting for refresh rate? The color is set to (true color)32bitMy cd that came with the video card (matrox parelia 128) is damaged but I have downloaded the latest drivers when I had to set all my systems back up.when it locks up, I don't have to reboot... I have to hit alt/ctrl/delete and shut down pic2exe and then all is well. as far as the dud Comms.Buffer" thing..... well, you lost me there.your help is most appreciated Quote
Conflow Posted July 31, 2004 Report Posted July 31, 2004 Pushu,Just read your Post after I sent mine - it seems very likely to be a 'version conflict issue' as the re-load works1st. time but not the 2nd. time - I just wrote an explaination for this, but lost in when getting on Line.Suffice to say that this is 'normal' for any 'New Re-loaded Program' - the fact that Windows need to run it to establish its...File of Types, and its Registry Key, and its Applog (Appication Log). Should there be 2 'mirror' Applog's on the same PC you have a potential conflict.Parking the "Old" Programs into a Folder is a very "Iffy practice" - you may "get away with it" but with 2000it's not very likely - better to remove them from the System completely. Did you know that you can park any "Old Pte *.pte File or Exe inside a Word Document inside a Folder, closeit, go away - then come back, open your Document and 'click on' the PTE Object within it and it will open its Show for the *.pte once it finds the Images or it simply opens the Show if the 'Object' is a PTE.Exe ?Believe me, 2000 will 'baulk' if it finds old INI's or EXE's remnants in you System - its that razor sharp !.Pushu, I hope you get the point-Brian Kelly.Conflow. Quote
pushu Posted July 31, 2004 Author Report Posted July 31, 2004 Brian: What if I were to delete all traces of pte from my computer, and then download and install the latest non-beta release? If I did that then there could be no conflict issues, could there???If the problem exists after I do that, then would that not point to a different cause, such as the video card? Quote
Conflow Posted July 31, 2004 Report Posted July 31, 2004 Pushu,Anything on the Desktop is 'real time' live on the 'primary tree root' to the Computer (it has priority) nowany other Folder inside the 'Program Folder' is on the 'secondary tree root' to the Computer via the H.D. and it has secondary priority.Look at the Folder Tree when you open Explorer, in the Left hand window pane.In fact you are setting yourself up for a problem given the right conditions - if my hunch is correct - I cannow see whats happening. You are involking the 'Object Editor' the PC immediately 'baulks' because itsee's a a near 'mirror program' stuck in its face and it has no command to ignore the old file (put simply)its saying:- "What the hell is this" - as I said 2000 is very un-forgiving, just remove that File and lets seeif that was the culprit ?Brain Kelly.Conflow.conflow@iol.ie Quote
Conflow Posted July 31, 2004 Report Posted July 31, 2004 Pushu,No, dont go mad, just 'ditch' that File from your Desktop - delete it or burn to CD or just put the 'apr.Exe' part of it on a Floppy Disc, ditch the rest - its only 978kB, the Floppy holds 1.44mB The recent versions of PTE are quite good, I have tried them, there should be no need for an absolute 'clean sweep' just yet - and if you did you would certainly need to use a RegCleanerafterward - more about that later. Shouldn't take more than a few minutes to do this-Get back to me.Brian Kelly.Conflow Quote
pushu Posted July 31, 2004 Author Report Posted July 31, 2004 OK, so I deleted the desktop folder and rebooted the system. I should be back to square one which is where I have had the problem all along. Only just yesterday did I create the second pte folder. I guess what I am saying is that I still have the same issueany suggestions???thanks Quote
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