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I downloaded Jeff Lunts Mp4 video from SSC and was surprised to have Windows 10 warn me that running the video may put my PC at risk. (see screens below) I thought we were moving away from these types of warnings with the use of Mp4’s. While they are not an issue for those of us in the know, they are a huge problem to others who we know will take the safe option and delete the file. There has to be some impact on PTE if these warnings show up often

Defender seems to step in because, as it says,  it’s faced with an unrecognised app, so how does PTE-AV-Studio become a recognised app. Did this warning appear because the video Jeff made was via a beta version?

Will this type of warning not be present when the final version is released?

Is it caused by the fact the file was zipped?

Or, is this something we need to live with and be aware of?

The bottom image is what appears first and the top one appears when more info is selected and we can choose to run the file






Hi Barry,

It wasn't a "safe for internet" exe, it was a straight executable file which isn't digitally signed. It's just not possible for a normal exe file to be digitally signed - each individual file created would need to be certified. The two file "data and exe" divides the executable code and data so that the exe can carry the digital sign. So when one wants to be certain that a file is deemed "safe" by the OS, they must create the "safe for internet" version and zip both files together. 

So the answers to your questions are: Yes, this type of warning will always be given when a single exe file is created and opened on someone's system. No, the zip has no relevance here. Yes, it's something we have to live with when we use a single traditional type exe file.

Best regards,



Senior moment I think. Why did I think Jeff uploaded a Video?

Ignore the post. It’s me trying to do things half hearted and getting it wrong. Maybe the personal icon made me think video :wacko:


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