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Igor can you help?


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Igor, a fellow member of our AV group, has recently had a computer given to her. She has also just recently purchased a digital camera and would like to use P2E for her sequences. The problem is she doesn't yet have internet access. Is there a way she can get the software without downloading?

I suppose one way is for someone to download for her, is it possible to have it registered in her name so she can recieve updates?

At the moment she is not very computer literate, so may not go on the net for some time.

I hope you can help and can suggest a way round this dilemma.

By the way all the other digital users in the group, do have P2E and appreciate it very much, you have a fan club in Sheffield, so we don't want to leave her out.

Hope you can help in this busy period for you and thanks for great new improvements.


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As far as I know, there is no reason why you or another member of your club can not download the software, using your friend's name, and then install it on your friend's computer.

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The key shouldn't be a problem as it is copyable from one pc to another. I upgraded to a new pc a while ago, and there was no problem at all in transferring the program to the new one. Also, since the downloaded program will be installed on your friend's pc, she will have the "key" file installed there, too. It is immaterial as to which pc actually received the downloaded files.

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Hi Al again, I think we can solve the problem. The computer has gone away for repair, the guy doing it is going to download and install P2E for her. So hopefully everything will be resolved. (Or will be if he can get the sound card working again, but thats another story).

Thanks for your help anyway.


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