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PicturesToExe v4.30 beta #11


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PicturesToExe v4.30 beta #11 is released

http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/apr_beta.zip (1.4 Mb)

What's new in v4.30 beta #11:

+ PicturesToExe keeps files of waveforms for all time while you work with the program.

+ PicturesToExe keeps visible and highlighted selected picture after switching between fullscreen view and windowed view.

* Fixed several visual bugs.

* Fixed two bugs with sorting order in some cases and with "Reverse order" option.

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1. When I use 'Use last transition effect to show desktop' the last image is not shown. The desktop is shown directly after the second image from the end.

2. I'd very much like tool tips for the five icons to the right of the drives in Pictures to EXE. The same goes of course for the three icons in the far bottom right corner.

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Yes, tool tips can be added, only it will require to send these new words for translators.

For usual not synchronized presentation I can make possible to don't use last slide. But for synchronized slide-shows it can be important to use last slide, because music will finish exactly when desktop fully appears after Fade effect, for example. So for use of this option you need to add special blank slide to the end of slide-show.

What you think about this interesting moment?

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Please tell me more about your test.

I just performed quick test:

1) Added 4 slides.

2) Turned on this "Use last slide..." option.

3) And in as preview, or as .exe file, I always see 4rd slide as transition to the desktop.

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My last test with two of my synchronised slideshows:

this time I used my eagle's eyes :D (shows modified for this test).

And I can say the problem is with the preview and the file .exe into standard synchronised show, as said by Leif.

I made yout test and the problem is the same.

In preview (CTRL + R) or in the.exe file, I see the first picture but not the last picture.

I see only with the last fade to the desktop after the thirst picture, the desktop, but not the four picture.

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Thank you, Leif and Michel!

This is not a bug, but technically I used this way to realize this

option without serious changes in the core of slide-show viewer.

I'll think tomorrow how to solve this moment and show transition to the desktop keeping last slide, too.

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1. When I use 'Use last transition effect to show desktop' the last image is not shown. The desktop is shown directly after the second image from the end.

Try duplicating your last image. Could uncheck " Show Image "

Now it will show the slide you want and " blank slide " actual duplicated slide - will fade to desktop.

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I'll think tomorrow how to solve this moment and show transition to the desktop keeping last slide, too.

Thanks Igor :) .

It's better to use this option normally.

Igor courage!

How that does not prevent you from sleeping!

Try duplicating your last image. Could uncheck " Show Image "

This "tip" is very usefull actually, but I would prefer a perfect use :rolleyes: .

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Now that you have v4.30 working so well, how about adding another feature to assist further in moving images around on the slide list and the light-table?

When one is using the sync-to-music mode, moving an image from one location to another on the slide list (or light-table) often disturbs the delicate timing between sequences of slides (e.g. where there are a number of fast cuts close together). In particular, if one moves a slide from after such a sequence to somewhere before the sequence, the images in the fast sequence retain their transition times ok, but are "squashed" up (in time) against the slide preceding them so that the transition times now overlap at the beginning of the sequence.

It would be great if PTE would automatically compensate for this by adjusting the times for all slides between the old and new positions so that the slides in between would retain their relative positions with respect to the slides on either side of them.

This feature would have to be optional (e.g. invoked by pressing a button) as there are other times when one wishes to have the shifted slides assume the positions of the ones they are "replacing", as is presently the case, in order to keep them aligned with the beats of the music.

Just some food for thought, in case you were looking for ways of putting PTE even further ahead of the competition. :)

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I totally agree with Al Robins last mail on this subject. That would be great !!

(I also had a thought about marking positions of slides, so that they are fixed to that point regardless the changes you make hereafter. These fixed points should of course be checked and unchecked.)

Igor keep up your good work

kind regards

Michel Verhoef :)

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Thank you, Al! Guido also wrote me about this moment several months ago.

I plan to closely work on improvement of more easy synchronization after v4.30. So I'd like to discuss various concerned moments a little bit later. It would be interesting work.

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Good news! I (and others) will look forward to your next round with great anticipation!

If the improvements in v 4.40 are as good as the ones in 4.30, we are in for a real treat! :)

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