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Slide Timing Adjustments


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When one is using the sync-to-music mode, moving an image from one location to another on the slide list (or light-table) often disturbs the delicate timing between sequences of slides (e.g. where there are a number of fast cuts close together). In particular, if one moves a slide from after such a sequence to somewhere before the sequence, the images in the fast sequence retain their transition times ok, but are "squashed" up (in time) against the slide preceding them so that the transition times now overlap at the beginning of the sequence.

Al, in the Beta 11 thread you made a suggestion as noted above.

Is this the same issue we talked about a few weeks ago, and I drew some "pictures" and you said that was the way your Adjustor worked? Or is this something else? :blink:

I'll see if I can find the thread...

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Hi, David,

The link worked for me! :)

The suggestion is slightly different from the suggestions in the previous thread and has more to do with rearranging slides on the slide list or light table, or even adding new slides to the list, without upsetting all the work in fine-tuning a specific sequence of slides in between. The Adjustor model provides a "work-around" for this situation, but it would be handy to have this feature built into PTE, itself, as an option, as well as the "slide-pinning" capability mentioned by both you and Alan.

It sounds like Igor is going to do something on this in the next main revision. :)

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Thanks Al.

I think I understand better now. I'll wait and see what magic happens in the next release. :P

One thing I understand for sure is how eager Igor is to please. I've said it before and I'll say it again: This is the most responsive development team it has ever been my delight to work with. :lol:

Eager Igor... ;)

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