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Hi All,

Over the past months I have read numerous Posts about lack of PC User Memory while

attempting to present PTE Shows.

User Memory or RAM Memory is utilised by all your Start-Up Programs, Your Keyboard,

PTE Shows, Word Documents etc. When it gets low,its only then that the PC decides

to 'free-up' a bit more space to get on with various jobs including PTE.

A 'Catch 22' dilema develops. The PC only claws back sufficient RAM for the "immediate"

demand placed on it. As it can't see the future memory demands of your Show a subtle

starvation situation develops - this greatly impacts on the Quality of Show.

FREERAM XP LITEis a Memory ClearOut and Monitor utility which will vastly improve

the operation of ANY PC no matter how hard it's worked. You can operate it in the middle

of any running Program and particularily just before you create an Exe.

Its available from: www.Yourwaresolutions.com - its FREE but you can make a donation.

Post some feedback-

Brian Kelly.Conflow.


Hi, Brian,

Thanks for the info - this sounds like a very useful utility.

You can operate it in the middle

of any running Program and particularily just before you create an Exe.

Just a quick question - what role does it play in the creation of a PTE exe file? Or did you mean "run" an exe.? Just showing my ignorance! :)


With Windows 98 or with Windows XP:

- open regedit.exe

- go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Sotware/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Explorer

- then, New, DWORD renamed to AlwaysUnloadDll with 1

You can see after:

AlwaysUnloadDll REG_DWORD 0x00000001 (1)

And now the memory is free when you quit a software !


To: Michael/Avignon/France

Michael, many thanks for the RegEdit Tip - Your suggestion is very worthwhile for many

highly experienced people who can actually manage a 'RegEdit' function - its not for all.

For the great majority of our mutual 'Forum Members' who are not Computer Experts

a 'RegEdit' operation is a highly dangerous exercise and not to be recommended.

Most Forum Members simply want little 'Program Utilities' that make life easier for them,

such as "Freeram Lite" - it work's very well, and you can keep an eye on Memory usage

and for the reason that PTE works exceptionally well with nothing in its way.

To Al Robins,

Hi Al, its no so much the Exe Creation as the contineous use of the...*pte File...when you

are building the Show. You of course know that it takes a lot of Computing resources

when in the pre-prep stages of a Show, particularily when you are using Save..and Save As.

This uses a lot or User/Ram and an amount of debris is built up which starts to slow

down the PC.

I have found from experience that 'systematic cleanouts' during the building stages are

highly effective in removing...broken links..ghosts..file fragments...phantom error's and all

those things that we mortals create for ourselves. It also gives the PC a 'clear run' when

that critical stage is reached...Making the Exe.

Useful Tip

"Freeram Lite" can be used at ANYTIME within any Program process and is very effective

when on the WEB - it cleans up the Web Cache as you go along.

Hope this helps,



Hi, Brian,

I guess I was thinking of the PTE "creation" process literally as being just that final step of pressing the "create slideshow" button rather than the whole overall process of previewing, saving, editing, etc. Thanks for the clarification! :) I'll give this utility a try!

I'm like you, I hate to mess around with regedit! But, thanks, too , Michel, for adding this to our knowledge base - it helps too to know just what these utilities are doing, and how to get out of a jam when other things fail. :)

For the great majority of our mutual 'Forum Members' who are not Computer Experts

a 'RegEdit' operation is a highly dangerous exercise and not to be recommended.

Dear Brian,

I agree. But I think that it's right to speak of the improvements for Windows also. And this possibility works perfectly.

The "experts" will understand and there are also here experts no ? ;)

There is no obligation, each one can choose :D .

One can always learn something from others and I learned much here.

Thanks to all for this.



Thanks for your tip. I did download the Lite version of Freeram. I cannot find any way to delete the program. It's not listed under Programs and not listed in Add/Remove. I am running XP Home.

I'm not planning to remove it but would feel more secure if I knew a simple way to eliminate it should I choose to do so.




I was out on the website last night to download the program (haven't installed it yet) and noticed in the FAQ that there was a unique way to uninstall. I think there was a menu option when you're running the program. You might check that out. :unsure:


Hi Al:

Thanks for reply but.. that uninstall menu is for the Pro version. I installed the Lite version. Too late but wish I had gone for the Pro.



Bob, I went back out to the web site and looked around under the Lite version and didn't see anything. Perhaps you could email them. Their contact info is:


according to their web site.


Memory Cleaner

If you have downloaded FreeRam XP Lite V1.03 - Hang on to it - If you want to pay for it O.K.

The word "obselete" is open to interpretation, how can it be when it's right up to date for

use on '95 - '98 - '98se - ME - NT - XP - 2000. - Come on guy's are these 'obselete' also ?

It's quite obvious that the demand for it has now 'put a price on it' - quite rightly so.

Obselete ? - it certainly is not, it's in daily use on thousands of PC's Worldwide - and more

to the point, Have any of you guys actually tried it yet ?

Roll on clean Memory ;)

Brian Kelly.Conflow.



i just quoted what is on the page

FreeRAM XP Lite 1.03 for Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP (obsolete; replaced by FreeRAM XP Pro)

i am using it but it is hard to say whether or not it is doing much on my p4 2.8 intel with 1 gig ram and 1 gig swp file




Just saw yours, I acknowledge your comment about "obselete"

Heres how to test FreeRam:-

1...Open up FreeRam and it shows you on its Window the amount of RAM Installed.

2...Now run a 'Sweep' and note the amount of RAM that it freed up. Subtract each.

3...That difference is the amount of RAM being used by your Start-Up Programs etc.

4... Ideally that difference should be less than 15% of installed RAM.

Next Move

4.. Now run a PTE Show and afterwards open FreeRam again (don't run it)

5...Take a note of the available RAM after the Show and subtract that from 2 above

Thats what you used. But this difference is vastly greater when you are in the process

of constructing a Show or for that matter any other Program.

When making very long complex Shows the differences are greater - but don't forget

its MAIN PURPOSE is to keep the memory free of debris, lost fragments, ghosts and

all the other rubbish that we generate when making a Show, so by keeping it clean

there is less risk of anything being accidentally picked up as the "build" progresses.

Brian Kelly.Conflow


On the FreeRam website I saw that the Lite version had been superseded by FreeRam XP Pro and downloaded this latest version. As far as my limited knowledge goes it is working satisfactory. I selected a 50 per cent setting for Ram free and Automatic and now I have a small icon in the bottom right of the taskbar where a small figure at this moment is fluctuating between 315 and 322 indicating my amount of free RAM.

Ron [uK]


My last post was trying to address Bob's issue of uninstalling the lite version. Al mentioned how to uninstall Pro, and I went to the web site just to see if I could find any info about uninstalling the lite version.

I realize Lite is superseded. But that's what Bob installed. So I suggested he write to them to see if they could help with the uninstall of Lite.

I'm sure Bob wishes he had installed the Pro version, but since he didn't, I think the original intent of his post was to get help uninstalling Lite.

Any luck yet Bob? :unsure:


Hi David:

Yes !! I emailed FreeRam and received a reply. If you have the Lite version and want to uninstall.. just delete the folder.. that's it!

Before I received the reply I did a "system restore" on my XP machine and that took out the program. Later I installed the Pro version. I later ran the program and gained about 40MB.

Thanks to all for your suggestions.



FreeRam Uninstall

Bob, Ken, David, Al, and ALL

I posted "Uninstall" instructions in "Picturtes To Exe" section of the Forum on the 13-8-04

at 20:39.

Reviewing the subsequent Posts on the subject I was surprised that none of you picked

up on my "Uninstall Post" which is clearly visible about 3/4 entries under the origional

submission to try out the "FreeRam Lite Program".

Just seems that you have gone to a lot of trouble to "Uninstall" - "Restore" - "Clean" etc;

when it simply wasn't warranted in the 1st instance. I'm absolutely baffled about that !!!!




i had no problem -- i read the instructions on the web page

on how to do it to the pro version



How do I uninstall FreeRAM XP Pro? I can't find FreeRAM XP Pro under Add/Remove Programs, etc.

To UNINSTALL: In the program window (not from the system tray), click on the Information menu, which is third from the left under the title bar (beginning with the File and Settings menus). Then click on the Uninstall option. Click here to see an image of the program, indicating where to access the uninstall option. After the uninstall process ends, delete the executable file (program file). Note: You may have to restart before deleting the program file.

To manually install (not recommended; for advanced users only), first exit out of FreeRAM XP Pro, and then delete the program file. Note: You may have to restart before deleting the program file. Next, open the Start Menu and click on Run. Type in regedit and hit Enter. Delete the key at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\YourWare Solutions. Then navigate to the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run and delete the value named FreeRAM XP to complete the uninstall process.

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