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Good day, colleagues, I could not find in the parameters such an opportunity as changing the curvature of the trajectory between three points. Is there such an opportunity in the program?

Best regards

3 hours ago, davegee said:

Can you describe what you want to do in simple terms?

Thanks for the question, DG, I don’t need it now for a specific application. I just get acquainted with the PTE program and want to know all its features.
At Igor’s prompt, I experimented more thoroughly with modifiers. The result is quite satisfactory to me and I have advanced one more step.




One of our talented French users has created a Bezier Curve software which is designed to be used with PTE to create Bezier Curves. It works quite well and I "think" derives much of its function from Excel or a similar software and creates multitudes of closely spaced keyframes which are automatically transferred to the PTE project allowing some really great effects to be realized. Create a folder under Program Files in Windows called Bezier Curve and extract the two files inside. Make a shortcut for the exe file and give it a try.

Best regards,




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