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My first post here!  I am testing PTE AV Studio Pro as a replacement for Pro Show Producer (I refuse to pay subscription).  I have searched the forum, but have not found a direct answer to importing multiple transitions into PTE.  I am not referring to importing from a previous version, because I have never used this software before.  I am able to import one transition at a time.  This is quite time consuming when some of the forum members have been kind enough to share zipped files with many transitions.  What am I missing?  Is there an easy way to do this?  Copying the files to the directory has no effect.  Thanks in advance for any help!


Click on Manage Transitions

Click on Import Transitions

Navigate to where your pteeff files are stored

Select first, click shift on subsequent files and click on OK

Works ok here?


Thanks for the quick reply!  I have tried that with no success, but I did notice that the files I downloaded from the forum are ptef, not pteeff.  Could that be the issue?  I am also running the trial version of software.

Thanks again,


pteeff is the correct suffix.

ptef "should" import but maybe only singly

Igor said this in 2015: 

PTEF is an old custom transitions (up to v8.0). New version 9.0 can only import these transitions.

PTEEFF is a new transitions created in v9.0. (and 10) This file includes a transition AND all linked images inside one file.

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