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I am a long time Proshow user.  I have been testing PTE AV Pro for a few days, and I like what I see.  I also like the responsive forum community.  I have a few questions before I spend my money:

1.  I found the Styles and Templates forum where folks are gracious enough to share their work, but wondered if there is a centralized location to download the themes, styles, & transitions more easily.  I am assuming there is no way to convert my huge library from Proshow Producer.

2.  I don't like subscription bases software!!!!!  Can I have some assurance that this software will not take that route in the near future?

3.  One of my favorite transitions in ProShow is the image rolling away showing the back of the image as the roll gets larger.  The closest I found here is the page curl.  Any help on this would be appreciated.


Thanks for a great forum!  I have spent hours reading here in the last few days!


Hi Ron,

Several of us are working on getting a centralized location for styles, themes, templates and transitions. It's been too hectic for the developers with getting this new 64 bit and MacIntosh version launched for them to get that done yet. It's a work in process and hopefully we will have a working model soon. If you can hang in there for a couple months I think we will have a working library to select from. At present, there is no way to convert Producer styles, themes, etc., to PTE format. It's a shame that after all your investment in these things, the company had to go under. 

PTE has never embraced the "subscription based"  model for software sales. Igor may want to comment on this but it's definitely not something being considered. 

Since it's entirely possible for users to create and save custom transitions in PTE that it might be entirely possible to reproduce what you like in the described transition. The current page curl in PTE allows either a blank for the back or the image for the back of a roll. I'll see if I can make a little tutorial to demonstrate how this works. It would be nice to see what you describe so if it's possible to create a little YouTube sample an post a link here, it would make it easier to know how to proceed.

Best Regards,

Lin (moderator)

Later - little sample...



Thanks, Lin!  I really appreciate how much you contribute to the forum!  You have some really good transitions.  Some of my favorite photos were taken just west of you.  My wife and I really love the area.

Sorry for the very low rez demo!


Hi Ron,

See the sample above - pretty near the same I think.. Yes, the aspens look familiar !!! Good to have you aboard the forum...

Best regards,



Hi Ron,

Welcome! I hope that you'll find useful PTE AV Studio 10. 

Regarding pricing. I hate software subscriptions and we don't want make unhappy our customers. I can't predict future and situation with sales, but we'll avoid any subscriptions for PTE as possible. Next version 11.0 will be firmly for a fixed price as usually, I promise

PTE users can help us survive by purchasing every upgrade which we release every 2 years for affordable price :) 



Thanks, Lin!  Looks pretty close!  What is the name of the transition?


Thanks, Igor!  I appreciate how quickly you respond to folks!  I think I'm going to like it here!  It is going to be quite a learning curve, but I'll plug away until I understand the interface better.  I could continue using ProShow, but one simple operating system change could shut it down and I'd rather switch in a controlled manner.


Thanks again,




Hi Ron,

It's the Page Curl - there are numerous ways you can use it - I'll make you a quick little video to show you how it can be set up many different ways. I'll post it in this reply in a few minutes. You'll have to excuse my voice. I lost my ability to speak from a stroke and I'm still learning to talk again.

Best regards,





WOW!  I've run a lot of software, but I've never had a custom made video to help me understand the software.  Thank you so much!!!   This is exactly what I was looking for, and then some.  Your voice is very understandable to me.  I helped take care of my Dad for eight years after a stroke, so I can relate.  You are doing great!  Thanks again!


Thanks for the links!  I've been hauling firewood all day (at 69 years young), so my attention is limited.  I watched the first two and I'll catch the rest tomorrow!



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