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We greatly improved video output in a new version 10.0.6 Beta.

I ask your help to check if everything works correctly:

Download Beta version 10.0.6: https://files.wnsoft.com/test/pteavstudio-setup.exe

  • Improved compatibility of created 4K video with Ultra HD TVs.
  • Improved smoothness of created 1080p video on some old TVs (2011 or earlier).
  • Improved video encoding in Custom preset with “Bitrate” mode. The final bitrate more closely matches the one set by the user.
  • Improved visual quality.

Note, that a file size of a created MP4 video without Hardware acceleration option is now larger on 10-15% than in previous versions of PTE 10 using "Quality" mode, but still less than videos created in PTE 9. It means better visual quality in version 10.0.6. You can reduce file size adjusting Quality parameter in Custom preset.

If everything is OK, we'll publish a version 10.0.6 officially.


Thanks, Igor!

I made a short test using High Quality, 60P, with hardware encoding.  My Samsung does not like it.

Second test:  High Quality, 60P, no hardware encoding.  Better, but still not usable.

Third test:  High Quality, 30P, with hardware encoding.  Almost usable, but not quite there.

Let me know if you have any parameters you would like for me to try.




Your project plays flawlessly on my Samsung.  I had already tried my project with no hardware encoding with no success.  I'm starting to think that my show is much "busier" due to the wildlife and landscape content, therefore running up the bitrate.  It is also a very fast paced show.




Thanks for the details. I see on 1st screenshot that bitrate was set to high (109 mbit). It explains why your TV didn't want to play it.

Probably we need to limit top level of a bitrate to fit for hardware limitations of Ulta HD TVs.

But usually bitrate is much lower, I need to understand why the encoder chosen so high bitrate value. It may depends on high dynamic scenes in your projects (especially if it contains video clips).

Please send me your project, all files in a ZIP, in a private message.

Use WeTransfer.com or send.firefox.com services

Can you also check other projects? About 4-10 minutes of duration without video clips.


File sent!  It's a short sample, but enough to see what's going on.  I did encode it with hardware acceleration off.  My Samsung will try to play it, but it stutters throughout the playback.

I did not send you the mp4, but I think you can see the show is very rapid paced.  Enjoy the photos!



Thanks for the update by personal message!

I received the Sony A9G yesterday and it plays the higher bitrate (after software update) "almost" perfectly!  I think your idea of limiting the upper bitrate will make it perfect!  I lack for words on describing the clarity of the output from PTE AV Studio Pro! 




Glad that your like quality of created videos!

Can you check the following:

Choose "Custom" preset. Cange a mode "Quality" to mode "Bitrate" and type 60000 (it will give 60 Mbit).

Encode video with Hardware acceleration and check on your both 4K TVs. Let me know about results.



I encoded the file I sent you.  It plays perfectly on the Sony!  The main difference I see is smoother motion in high detail areas such as bear/elk hair, fine detail in landscapes etc.  It played the previous encoded file well, but showed some aliasing on high detail areas.  The Samsung did not do so well.  It is considerably better than before, but unusable due to freezing and jumping (jerky).  I will only have the Samsung two more days (donating to our church), so let me know if you have any other parameters to check.


16 hours ago, Ron67 said:

I will be here tomorrow, so I will be happy to test the new version!


Please try a new version:


Check the About window. It should display: Version: 10.0.6 (64-bit) Build 2

1. Encode 4K video without Hardware acceleration, High quality, 60p. And check on both 4K TVs.

2. Encode 4K video with ticked Hardware acceleration and Medium quality, 60p.



Thanks, Igor!

Both encoded files played flawlessly on the Sony A9G!  The 4K HQ 60P HWoff played fine on the Samsung, the MQ 60P HWon was very jumpy.

Just for fun, I encoded the same file at 4K HQ 60P HWon and it played fine on the Sony.

I have attached the file details for your convenience,







Thanks for these results!

We set a max limit of a bitrate for video encoding without HW acceleration. And it helped.

And when Hardware acceleration is ON we can't combine a bitrate limit and encoding with dynamic quality. It's only possible to use Bitrate mode and set strictly desired bitrate. 60000 (KB) for case of your Samsung TV.

Just and idea. Can you check another USB flash drive with your Samsung TV? The best variant would be USB 3.0 Flash drive (which has a blue color in connector area. Maybe we have a problem with slow reading?


Thanks for all your hard work!

I'm very happy with the results on my Sony, and the Samsung is being donated tomorrow.  I will remember to encode any show I might present at the church using bitrate settings.

All my USB drives are USB 3.0 or 3.1, however, the Samsung has only USB 2.0 inputs.  The Sony has two USB 2.0 and one USB 3.1, and I make sure I use the 3.1.

Question, should I lease this build version on my system, or revert back to lack regular release?

Again, it is a pleasure to use software that has this level of support,




Thanks for your high appreciation!

Please try an experimental version. The About window should display "Build 3":


Create a 4K video with HW option and play on Samsung TV. A resulting file should be larger on 10% than with previous version. Interesting to see if it helps.

12 minutes ago, Ron67 said:

All my USB drives are USB 3.0 or 3.1, however, the Samsung has only USB 2.0 inputs.  The Sony has two USB 2.0 and one USB 3.1, and I make sure I use the 3.1.

I have a guess that USB 2.0 speed is not enough for playback of 4K video with high bitrate. As an experiment, try to play same video files (which cause problem on Samsung) on Sony TV using slow USB 2.0 port.



The Sony played the files fine on the USB 2.0 input.  I believe the main difference is the Xtreme processor that Sony is using.

The Samsung is jerky on both HQ and MQ files done with HW encoding.  I wouldn't spend a lot of time on this, since I can encode with using bitrate settings and get a show together for an older TV.






Hi Igor,

Just for information, I ve made several tests for encoding video HD and 4K.

The first one, I ve noticed a message on the encoding screen of PTE AV 10.0.6 beta saying that Hardware acceleration was not available with my Geforce GTX 1060. So I ve updated the driver as it was suggested but the result was the same. In fact the driver installed was specified for gaming purpose ( updated  => Geforce Game Ready Driver 441.87 ). HW acceleration not available is very surprising?

I've downloaded the Nvidia Studio Driver 441.66 instead and now there is no problem.  Is there a technical explanation ? Nvidia Studio Driver is certainly a better choice for my purposes, I dont take care of gaming.

Last year I made several encoding tests with PTE 10 beta  and PTE AV 10, I never noticed such a message concerning HW acceleration.

In any case the results of encoding (4K /60fps / quality 80) are very good on my PC laptop  but unfortunately I have not 4K TV set and unable to check it in real condition.
Best regards



Hi Daniel,

We didn't change video encoder library since a final release of PTE 10 in October.

It seems that this problem is not related with PTE. Hardware encoder just becomes unavailable. Maybe after certain update in Windows 10.

I had this issue twice on my computers. After updating of NVIDIA Geforce Experience drivers the hardware encoder start to work again.


Thanks Igor for your answer.

I do not know if that can help but the results of some encoding tests are as it follows :

All tests achieved with the same project duration of 3'57s (30 photos between 9Mpx and 16Mpx  each of them) few vertical pans, and zoom effects with 3s solved transitions.

(Informations given by Mediainfo app.)

a= With hardware acceleration (HWA) and b = without

1 = Encoding with Quality mode (Q80)

1a)  4K / HWA / 60fps / Q80

result : encoding time = 9'52s  -  file size =708MiB - mean data rate =25,1Mb/s  min = 24,8  / max =120  

1b) 4K / 60fps /Q80

result : encoding time = 30'48s  -  file size =563MiB -  constant data rate  = 19,9 Mb/s

2 = Encoding with Bitrate mode (20Mb/s)

2a) 4K / HWA /60fps / 20Mb/s

result : encoding time = 10'12   file size =544 MiB - mean data rate =19,2Mb/s  min =18,9  / max =60

2b)   4K / 60fps / 20Mb/s

result : encoding time = 32'34s file size =548MiB - mean data rate = 19,3 Mb/s min = 19Mb/s  typ=  20Mb/s

Impossible to compare the results in term of quality without having a specific video reference

Best regards


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