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Multiple Slideshows


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I desire to make a slideshow that runs a sequence of other slideshows, i.e.:


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I presently have a slideshow that permits the user to select the individual slideshow to run. I would like to create a button link that the user could depress that automatically plays all the shows in a sequence. I think this can be done but note sure how? The following link is my present menu:

Present Menu

I would like to place a button at the bottom that is a "Play All" button.

Hope this makes sense?

Any assistance is appreciated.....



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It seems to me that you ought to be able to do this using "Advanced Project options - run application after the last slide".

Just apply this to each show in turn.

If you still wish to be able to access each show individually, you could achieve this by having two copies of each show with different filenames - one with the "run application" applied and one without.

I hope this makes sense.

Perhaps there's another way?

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Hi Ken

How about using "Run application after last slide" in all shows (but the last) and "Close show after last slide" so you can run show2.exe from show1.exe and show3.exe from show2.exe.

But, if you want not to make this automaticaly, and have a button on your index page, then create a single show from your index page and use "Run external application" to run show1.exe which has the "Run application after last slide" command, while the regular link button will run another copy of show1.exe which does not run show2.exe. This means you will have to include two copies of each show on your CD.

Check also athe utility made by nobeefstu a long time ago to run shows in a chain.

:( Huuuumm.... I've just repaeted Roger's words... ... well, I'm getting old...

:P Granot

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Thanks for the prompt replies ContaxMan and Boxig,

I tested the "Run application after last slide" and it works very well.

I would prefer not to duplicate slide shows as it consumes twice the CD space. Maybe someone has got another technique of accomplishing this without the duplication, but I may have to do as you suggest Boxig...good idea :rolleyes:

Thanks very much again,



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There is still another option...

I can make a small utility which will do what you need. That means, a button for each show to run and a button to run all shows one after the other.

What I need to know is how many shows you have, their file names, the order you want them to run one after the other, and your Index image.

Your image can have already the buttons (as part of the image). All your shows will have to "close after last slide".

and... when you need it ?


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See also my "Intro Demo" downloadable from Beechbrook.com which use the objects editor and transparent buttons.

Ron [uK]

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Hope you got my reply to your email.

The utility is finished.

It will allow you to include unlimited shows on your CD and user will be able to:

1) Run any selected show.

2) Run few selected shows one after the other.

3) Run all shows.

4) Re-arrange the shows in the order he likes and save it.

5) Load his last saved order.

I will try to upload to my site as soon as I can.

I will post a new topic when done.


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