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Just wanted to say.....


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What a great product!

Just started using PicturesToExe, wanted to put some snaps to music for a friend, nothing flash just a bit of fun and this product is great. Fun and easy to use.

If I had one gripe it would be with the Sync to Music. I wish I could select multiple pictures and move them all along the timeline together. Reading the forum it looks like this is an area that other people are interested in seeing develop so I look forward to future releases.

Again, great product, very well put together and what a great price. Bravo.



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Hi, Dan,

Welcome to the Forum!

You are right, there have been a lot of requests for new timeline features such as the one you mentioned.

By the way, when I make a double post (and it is easier to do than some people realize), I edit one out, and put in a reference to the other, to prevent some posting replies to one thread and other people to the other.

Good luck with PTE!

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