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Trouble using Windows XP SP2


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Assuming you are trying to upload to Beechbrook.com ? Your ultimate help is to email Bill, through the site. He is very helpful.

three thoughts -

1. When you are uploading the actual show (not just a link), the process can take a seemingly long time with no indication on screen that it is progressing. Ultimately though, you will get a new screen confirming your success - if indeed it has been successful.

2. It seems that long ago, it was suggested to make your show file a short, no-space name and upload it from your root directory rather than a folder buried deep in the file heirarchy. I have no idea whether this will actually help you now.

3. You will get it posted.

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XP-SP2 Operating Systems

This new Microsoft Operating System is causing considerable problems through out the

PC.Industry and it's not 'reserved' to Forum Members. The problem being that few people

have 'read-up' on the Instructions as how to use the 'New System' properly.

It boils down to 'Internet Security & Privacy Algorithms' - Let me try and simply explain this:-

When you go on the 'Net' to Download or Upload its a 2 way Communication Process with

the 'Remote Host Server'. The data is sent in 'Blocks' and the recipient checks these with

amongst other things an 'Encryptionation Code' depending on the Security Settings used.

If the Transmit & Reply Codes "check-out" then the process continues on to completion.

PUT SIMPLY:- If the "Send & Receive Security Codes" are similar then all things are O.K -

However because of malicious abuse of 'Microsofts Security Codes' they decided to re-write

the Book prior to the release of XP-SP2 (It was well advertised and its on Microsoft HelpNet)

The 'Security Algorithms' are now extremely high and if the 'Recipient' of your Uploads is not

geared to handle these,then you have a problem. Likewise Downloads to an XP-SP2. PC are

treated in the same way - rejected.

You have 2 choices:-

(a) Reset your Internet Security Levels -


(B) Download Microsofts "Add-Ons" for the SP2.System released a few weeks ago.

Hope this might help you -if not- at least you are now aware of whats going on with XP-SP2.

Brian Kelly.Conflow.

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Lumenlux - XP.SP2 Upgrade

Dilema, Shall I upgrade to XP-SP2 or not ?

I am the first to say that there are great advantages in XP-SP2 System, however If you

intend to 'upgrade' via "Microsoft SP2 Download" then I would recommend a very large

helping of Prudence and the XP Database before going down that road.

There are 4 major issues as yet unresolved as far as the PC Industry is concerned:-

1)...Ms.Java -v- Sun Java issue.

2)...MS Java.VM is 'unloaded by SP2' and is no longer supported by MS.

3)...The fact that some 'older' expensive Programs will not Load nor Run on SP2.

4)...Security Code Encryp: issues as stated in previous post, which impacts 1,2,3,above.

For those of you who have an interest in this go to:- www.microsoft-watch.com

This is the Industry "Watchdog" on Microsoft products. (The above is not a link,type it in)

You will see for yourself what's going on in the controversy over the XP-SP2 Op.System.

Brian Kelly.Conflow.

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XP-SP2. Uploaders

Chuck is dead right, get an XP-CD (Latest version) -

That's the XP-Database I was talking about -but still- prudence,prudence,prudence !

Upgrading -via- Download or CD-Download is the very same scenario we all had when

we all decided to 'Upgrade '98' to '98.Se - do you remember the mayhem, with that ?

and it was never really successful compared to a "New PC with '98.Se Pre-installed"

Please, please.please, read the "feedback" from www.microsoft-watch.com


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