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Last slide will not change


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I have been working a presentation for some time, and decided to replace the last slide with an additional one.

THis new slide will not show no matter what I do.

The show uses custom tranistion points and I have made sure a new transistion was added to the end. The show was set to leave last slide on screen after the music stops. In an attempt to get the last slide to show properly I have done everything I can think of. I deleted the last few transistion points and re-added them, I have changed the show to close after last slide (Doesnt work, the slide show no longer will close) I have switched the order of the last three slides with no help, I have deleted all the tranistion points and let it re add them with no custom settings with still no luck.

It's as if the last slide is stuck in the presentations memory and I cannot get rid of it.

Any Ideas?



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Can you use the "save as" feature to give a new name to your current "mess"?

Then see what you can do by loading the older Project file (the original .pte file.)

Then see what you can do with the newer .pte file if necessary. This may not solve the problem, but may help diagnose the problem.

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Actually yes, I have resaved the file and tried some drastic changes as if to shake it lose so to speak, always with no luck.

Unfortuantly, the resoution may be to rebuild the project from a new black file, not my first choice becasue of the very specific nature of the transistions. It has taken forever to get certain slides to appear on certain beats of the music, and it will take days to reset it all.

Thanks for the help


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Have you tried your troubled project on a different computer?

If you have the ability to email or post on a website, a PTE template of your show, I or other members could take a try at it. Or, some members might be able to learn something just looking at the .pte text file. Or, maybe someone else will jump in soon with the answer.

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have you tried the show not in sync mode

then have you tried it in just auto sync

you could have not enough music for the # of picts or the opposite -- too much music for the # of picts

you are going to have to do a saveas /create as under a different file name to do your experimenting

i worked all Sunday morning on a small show and tho' i did not have a customized show the pict/music mix was out of whack and the only way to fix was by trial and error\

just picts


# 1 tune


#2 tune etc

then clicked auto sync


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Before you do anything drastic, and because this seems like a large 'Presentation' may I ask

a few simple Questions:- Concerning the last 4 Slides -

Q1. Whats the approx.duration of each of these Slide's ?

Q2. Whats the approx.duration of each Transition Effect between these Slide's ?

Q3. Whats the total Background Music duration ?

Q4. Whats the total duration of Slides+Effects ? (Without Background Music)

I think you might have a problem whereas the end of the Music File is coinciding with the last

"transition effect" and because you have that last Slide "locked" and the "Show Synched"

you have put yourself into a 'mobilus loop' - in effect locked yourself out !!

This would be the case if the last 4 slide's durations were= and the Transitions were= and

even more so if you don't allow at least 500millesecs settling time between Slides & Effects.

A way out is to RH.Clk the last Slide and "Remove it" from the list. You may have to do this a

few times until the Program resolves the issue -

I hope this helps

Brian Kelly.Conflow.

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