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Music Error


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Hope you all can help . . . this is my first post, although P2E is one of my all time favorite applications. I just never have had any problems, or have been able to find answers in the history.

Tomorrow I'm previewing a show that I've prepared for a 100th birthday party for a friend's grandmother, and tonight I am suddenly getting an error that says "You should disable personalized music of slides to activate synchronization by music."

I've increased the length of my music by using Audacity and lame (thank you all!) and it plays correctly in Real Player. Is it possible that there is some hidden connection that I've lost track of in the show? If so, how would I find it short of going through every slide (of which there are many!)

Many thanks in advance . . .

Peggy Bjarno :unsure:

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It sounds like you must have chosen to add a snippet of music to one or more individual slides via the "customize slide"option...you could either remove that customization or turn off the "synchronize music/slides" option. (Unless someone else knows a work-around to avoid this clash of options..I've bumped into it a couple of times myself and it would be nice to be able to have it both ways..)


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Hi Peggy,

Jim has hit the nail on the head. you need to visit the music tab on all your slides and un check any that have their own music added. You may have done this in a "customize slide" window thinking you were in the "customize project" option. The windows are very alike and it is easy to do this in the thick of preperation. It's a drag to have to do but it will solve the problem.

More importently though, enjoy the party, :D


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Yes, Jim HAS hit the nail on the head! Thanks! There was one slide in the middle of it all that was tagged for a different piece of music (leftovers from the beginning I think.) WHEW!!!!

The final showing of this piece is on Sunday the 12th of September. I'm still pulling pictures together, have finally gotten the music where I want it . . . they've even invited me to this very important (and Posh!) function. . . I've always been passionate about putting these shows together and have half a dozen that are fun, easy to share, full of joy (and great pictures) and suddenly I find this one dragging me down. I think it's because my vision isn't necessarily their vision. Although they love everything I've done, each decision I make is tempered by my knowing that they will judge it, and maybe not enjoy it.

It's a good show, nonetheless, and I am, as ever, a loyal fan of P2E -- Many thanks to all who have contributed to making it so awesome!

Peggy :rolleyes:

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