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Transparent backgrounds


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I am trying to create an image on a transparent background. I have created test images in photoshop and saved them in gif and bmp formats, but when I load them into PTE, they all have a coloured (white) background.

I have searched the forum and found a similar question asked, but the solutions offered don't help / work for me......

Running PTE 4.3 - help please!

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Thanks for the welcome - and the advice. Trouble is I'm still stuck....

I have a white test slide, and a transparent test slide - if I click on the test slide and then on object editor, I can add the transparent test slide, trouble is I get a light blue cast over the test slide. Any idea why?

Also, how do I fade the transparent slide over the test slide?

Its fun trying to learn the intricacies of a new program!

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... fading a transparent slide over another....


Welcome to the Forum!

This sounds like another one of those "oxymorons"??? Or do you mean a transparent GIF? In that case, you just add it as an object to a slide, click off "Show image" in the main window, under the slide list, and then dissolve that slide into another. I haven't tried it, so maybe this won't work as you want it to, or maybe you are trying to do something different.

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I'm sorry, I meant a transparent gif.

ok, let me start again and explain what I want to do - I want to be able to have a slide fade in during a presentation and then to use that as a background over which I place other smaller images, fading in and out, then to continue to another full size slide. My idea is (was) to use a transparent slide, with the smaller images placed on it, so that the background image can still be seen. Thinking about it, it probably wouldn't work...

So how do I do it?

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I think you can only use transparent slides as objects. But you can simulate this by using photoshop (or other image editor) by superimposing another image on the main one, and dissolving from one to the other and back again. In PS, you could give the appearance of transparency on the main image by changing the opacity of one layer against a white or black background.

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Hi Duncan,

maybe I'm missingf something , but if I've well understood , you do not neet transparent gif.

I'd put the first slide as an object of a 1 pixel Ipg (you make it in your graphic editor). then copy this slide and paste as many times you need and put the small pictures as objects. I remeber you that only a few object's positions can be fixed on PTE. So, to be sure others will see exactely what you did, you have to inform them about the best configuration ; 800x600; 1024x760; etc.

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I'm assuming that by transparent image, Duncan is referring to an image where certain areas of it are transparent so that the background image will show through it in those areas. Please correct me if I'm wrong. The best way to simulate this would be to set it up using different layers in PS.

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In PS use "Save For The Web" - Set file format "Gif" - Tick "Transparency Box" and OK.

You should now have a "Transparent Gif"

You can slide these over your background image in PS.

PNG24 will give a slightly better quality image while maintaining transparency.

I have made a request to Igor to consider compatibility with both formats in the new Beta versions.


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