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Help Please!!


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I downloaded pic.exe to create a slide presentation for my 20 year class reunion. I have a couple music clips I need to attach to a few images. My MP3 files seem to work fine. I have an MPEG4 file that won't work at all but that's ok since it does not appear in file formats; however, I have a couple WMA files that I can't get to work either. Is there a setting that needs to be changed so that all formats will work? This format is listed as a supported type so I sure hope it will work since I purchased these online. It would be great if someone to respond as soon as possible. My reunion is just around the corner. Thanks so much!

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Welcome to the forum.

I and most users prefer using the MP3 and don't complicate life by going with the WMA format. It is my impression that Pictures to Exe does indeed handle wma just fine, but the problems are inherent in the "features" and characteristics of wma. To my knowledge there is no setting in PTE to effect whether a wma file works or not.

Realizing that you already have the desired music in wma, you may be able to use a sound editor/conversion program to convert your tracks to mp3.

Things are typically a little quiet on Friday-Saturday in this forum. But you will probably soon receive more specific answers from those who have dealt with wma. In the mean time, using the search feature in this forum may yield the exact help you need. And when you find your solution, you can report back here what worked for you. Good luck.

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