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Have a Problem with Quivering on DVD


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I have been very successful making DVDs of my PTE slideshows. The following is a suggestion concerning quivering of slides when playing the DVD on your TV. Oftentimes when a slide has many straight lines, either vertical on horizontal such as a shingled roof line or venetian blinds a quivering will be noticed. This I think is due to the way the TV draws the picture with scan lines. Quivering sometimes occurs when you have a very light to dark contrast change....such as a white border.

I have found that if you use a very slight Gaussian Blur with your Photo Editing software, on the problematic slides, the quivering oftentimes goes away. Due to the enherent low resolution of the TV the actual picture quality is normally not effected. The blur will sometimes be noticable if you create the slideshow for PC viewing but oftentimes it creates a very pleasing effect.

I use both PhotoShop and Paint Shop Pro for photo editing. One very nice feature of Pant Shop Pro is called Soft Focus, that I use a lot for portraits, especially for portraits of the female gender. If you have PSP, the Soft Focus will also sometimes stabilize the quivering effect.

Never over sharpen a photo to be used for video...it will definitely make the problem worse. I never...never use the sharpness filter that can be checked when creating an AVI in PTE...it always makes the quivering worse!

Just a suggestion should you have this problem...it is definitely worth a try but not guaranteed.



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when i had a pair of Hasselblad and was learning how to use them, on quite a few occasions i questioned other users. one stated i should get a soft filter -- what for i questioned -- to soften the ladies faces -- my reply was -- you mean i bought these fine optics only to put a cheap piece of glass in front to satisfy some women's vanity --NOT ;)

let her go to a makeup artist to hide her lines and the lenses' will show how good the makeup artist are at their trade

i used to say -- sorry cant make a silk purse out of a sow's ear B)



back to the quiver

-- i soon learned not to have borders on picts

-once the dvd option was available i had to drastically change my show design methods

- somewhere in the database the reason for the quiver was explained -- the square pixel/vs round pixel comes to mind

-- maybe somebody will jump in here with the answer

some stuff here


ken B)

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