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I'm looking for HELP please.

I'm a new user to P2E and to this Forum.

I use Adobe Photoshop to create 1024x768 jpegs in the range of 60-180K and use mp3 audio tracks. I have been making little test shows and they seem to have been working.

I have now been trying to make a bigger show with 65 images. The first preview appeared to work fine but then I changed the order of some of my slides and deleted some and added some new ones.

I am now finding that the slide show goes ~ slide 1 ..... 2 ..... 3 ...... 3 ....... 3 ....... 6 ....... 7 ....... 8 etc. So, I am now missing slides 4 and 5 from the show ? Other slides repeat in the same way in the middle of the show ? I noticed this effect in the title slides. These were also made in Photoshop and differ simply by having extra lines of text. They are single layer Photoshop jpegs.

I have tried deleting slides and adding them back, renaming to make sure that each slide has a unique name, clearing the music and adding it again. I can't stop the repeating of the slides if I change the show in any way ?

Am I missing something very obvious ? Any help would be very welcome please.



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;) It's difficult to guess exactly what you're missing here. A useful technique I find helpful is to open the .pte file for a problem show in a simple text editor such as notepad or wordpad. You can soon sort out what's included in your show. This may give you a clue.

If this doesn't help, you could try saving your show as a template and sending it to me. I'd be happy to see if i can find out whgat's wrong.

I hope this helps.

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;) It's difficult to guess exactly what you're missing here. A useful technique I find helpful is to open the .pte file for a problem show in a simple text editor such as notepad or wordpad. You can soon sort out what's included in your show. This may give you a clue.

If this doesn't help, you could try saving your show as a template and sending it to me. I'd be happy to see if i can find out whgat's wrong.

I hope this helps.

Thanks ContaxMan.

I've been testing further. Is there a minimum required time between the end of an effect and the start of the next slide ? I can reproduce the problem effortlessly if I overlap these or have them back to back.



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Yes, Tolgus, I think you have hit on the most likely cause of your problem. Go into the Music Autosync part of the program which will show you the timeline view of your slide transisitions. You can see which ones may be overlapping or just too tight. Use the timeline view to increase the time between slide 3 and 4 and see if that corrects the repeating of your slide #3. Good luck.

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